Chapter 19) Gym

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"Are you sure about this?" Shane asks her.

Y/N picks up her bag. "I won't let Carl die. I'm going."

He nods.

Hershel told them that he needs to perform surgery on Carl but he doesn't have the proper materials. Otis said that the hospital was destroyed but there's a high school a few miles up the road that had a FEMA center.

With any luck, it'll have the materials they need. Shane volunteered first and Otis told him that he would take him. Y/N decided to tag along.

Hershel's daughter Maggie is going to go get Lori and inform the group, Rick has to stay to give Carl blood, and Y/N doesn't want to sit around doing nothing when she could be helping.

She hops in the blue truck. Suddenly there's a tap on the door from her right. She looks over and finds Rick standing there. His face is unreadable.

"You don't have to do this."

She nods. "I do." He sighs and hands her his gun. She takes it hesitantly.

He pauses. "Be safe."

She gives him a sad smile. "Take care of Carl."

With that, Otis and Shane get in the truck and they start the drive to the high school.
They park the truck in the trees near the building and quietly walk to the parking lot.

There are dozens of walkers roaming around. The sun has started to set. They crouch behind an old police car.

Otis whispers to them. "You see that big mobile medical trailer across the way?"

Y/N lifts her head slightly and sees the trailer. It's on the other side of the lot. She sighs. "That's where we have to get to?"

Otis nods. Shane crawls around to the driver side door and opens it very slowly. Once the door is open, he reaches down and pulls the trunk opener.

The trunk pops open with a slight noise and Y/N lifts it up. Inside are a couple of flares.

Shane rejoins them and picks one up. He motions toward the walkers, nodding his head.

Y/N and Otis each grab one as well.

Shane holds up his fingers. One. Two. Three.

On three, they each toss the lit flares into the parking lot, away from the trailer, distracting the walkers.

Shane signals and they all quickly make a run for the trailer. They get in and Y/N pushes the door closed, as quietly as she can. They all take a minute to catch their breath.

"Okay." Otis says. "Look for the sutures and the drapes. I'll find the respirator."

Y/N nods and starts searching the shelves. Shane grabs a few things and shoves them in his bag. She follows suit. Finally Otis speaks. "Found it."

Shane pushes open the door and glances outside. The flares are burning out and the walkers are starting to go back to wandering. He looks back at them. "We gotta go. Now."

They quietly exit and climb down the stairs when a walker catches sight of them. He groans loudly and others notice too. Suddenly all the walkers start to chase after them. They get cut off and are forced to hide behind a metal protector guarding the front doors to the school.

The doors have chains wrapped around them.

They're trapped. "Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t!" Y/N whispers.

Shane glances at her. "We're getting out of this."

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