Chapter 23) Secrets

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"I found it washed up on the creek bed right there." Daryl groans out.

He lays in a spare bedroom where Hershel tends to him. Andrea shot Daryl thinking he was a walker. Thankfully the bullet just grazed his head.

Shane and Rick stand in the room. Y/N is there too.

On his journey, he managed to fall down a cliff and impale himself with one of his own arrows. In the process however, he found Sophia's doll.

Rick nods. "Cuts the grid almost in half."

"Yeah, you're welcome." Daryl says.

Hershel looks at him. "Any idea what happened to my horse?"

"Yeah, the one who almost killed me? If it's smart, it left the country."

Y/N huffs out a laugh, receiving a look from Hershel.

"Sorry." She mumbles.

"We call that one Nelly, as in nervous Nelly. I could have told you she'd throw you if you'd bothered to ask. It's a wonder you people have survived this long." With that, he leaves the room.

Rick and Shane follow after, leaving just Y/N and Daryl.

She sits down in a chair with a sigh. "I'm sorry."

Daryl glances at her. "For what?"

"I should've been there."

"I told ya not to come."


He shakes his head. "Couldn't have done nothing."

"I can't just sit around and cook. That's not what I do. I don't want to peel carrots and chop potatoes. I want to search for Sophia. I want to go on runs. I'm sick of just sitting around on my ass." She says resting her head on her arm.

Daryl is quiet for a moment before he sits up. "You've done more for this group then half these assholes."

Y/N curls the corner of her mouth into a grin. "I am pretty great."

He huffs with a small smile on his face.

There's silence for a bit. Eventually she stands. "Just get some rest okay? I'll bring you some dinner later."

He nods and she leaves.
A few hours later, everyone but Daryl is at the dining room table.

Y/N sits next to a now mobile Carl. Rick sits across from her. She can feel his gaze on her face but refuses to make eye contact.

Her heart flutters every time she sees him. After what almost happened on the porch, that has only escalated. She wants so badly to kiss him. To be with him. But she can't.

Not with Lori in the picture.

The dinner goes by relatively quiet until Glenn speaks from his separate table with Beth, Jimmy, and Maggie. "Anyone know how to play guitar? Dale found a cool one."

Patricia sets her fork down. "Otis did. He was very good too."

Y/N stops chewing her food. She fights the urge to spit it out. She doesn't. She swallows, standing with a different dish. Her face is stone-cold.

She can sense Shane's evil eyes on her but she doesn't look.

Carl tries to follow but she tells him to stay put. She brings the plate into Daryl's room and sets it on the nightstand. She practically collapses in the chair.

Her breathing is heavy. She feels sweaty.

Daryl looks over at her. "Hell, you look worse than me."

She huffs. "I can't be out there right now."

He tilts his head. "Cause of Shane?"

She whips her head toward him. Her voice lowers. "What?"

Daryl shuts his eyes briefly. "He did sumthin to ya?"

She sits up in her chair. She looks at the ground. Tears fight to fall. She's in too deep. She nods.

He inhales sharply.

She looks at him with glossy eyes. "He killed Otis. Murdered him like it was nothing and walked away. Then he- he threatened me."

He points at her still slightly purple neck. "He do that?"

She nods again.

His teeth grind as he tries to get out of bed. "I'm gonna kill that sumb*tch."

She stands and rushes to his side, pushing him back into bed. "No. No. You can't tell anyone. D, please. Especially Rick."

Daryl looks at her.

"Please. Promise me."

He clenches his jaw and nods.
The next morning, Y/N is holstering her gun so she can practice shooting with some of the group.

She's near the RV when Glenn walks up.

"Hey." Y/N says, not looking up.

"I need to tell you something."

She looks up at that. His face is nervous. He glances around. "What if somebody told you something that somebody else should know...?"

She crosses her arms, now that her sling is off. "Glenn, what's wrong?"

He chews on his nail for a second before talking very quickly.

"There's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant."

Y/N freezes. "Lori's pregnant?"

He nods.

She inhales sharply. Then she looks over at the barn towards the edge of the property. She can see from the distance that the doors are chained.

"Oh god." She whispers.
Y/N paces on the porch. She was too stressed to go practice shooting.

Lori is pregnant. It has to be Ricks right? Of course it's Ricks. Who else could be the father?

Lori is pregnant. Lori is pregnant. The barn. The barn is full of walkers. Hershel is keeping walkers inside a barn.

She paces and paces. Glenn made her swear not to tell. Now she has multiple secrets.

Otis. Threat. Lori. Barn.


She suddenly stops pacing when Rick walks up to her.

"Y/N." He says.

She tries to throw him a smile but it looks forced.

He grabs her arm and pulls her to a rocking chair. She sits down and he sits in the one next to her.

She looks away from him. "What do you need?"

He's silent for a moment until he speaks in the quietest voice.

"I'm gonna kill Shane. For what he did to you."

She looks at him. "Wha-"

He stands. "Daryl told me."

She sighs. "Of course he did."

Rick shakes his head as he looks at her again.

"I'm gonna kill him."

Sheriff's lover ||| Rick Grimes x Reader (TWD x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon