Chapter 39) Whiskey

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After putting on some clothes and putting on the jacket Rick gave her, Y/N exits the motel room.

She heads into the lobby where the others stand.

"Okay, we need to break off into groups today. We have to search the area. This place is gated in but that doesn't mean anything. A wall could be down. There could be people here." Rick tells them.

He holds up a small foldable. "According to this pamphlet that Daryl found, there are a couple of buildings worth checking out. A bar, clinic, restaurant, clothing store, you name it. Split into groups, let's get this done."

Hershel, T-Dog, and Daryl head to the restaurant.

Lori, Carl, and Beth go to the clothing store to find new things for the others.

Carol, Glenn, and Maggie go to the clinic.

Y/N shifts awkwardly on her feet. "Guess it's just you and me. Again."

He smiles a little. "Cmon, let's go check out the bar."

The two grab their weapons and walk down the quiet streets. The bar is only a few doors down from the motel.

Rick bangs on the door and puts his ear to it. There's no sound from inside so they enter, the little bell ringing as the door opens.

They search the area. Rick finds two silencers hidden in a mini-fridge.

He puts one on his gun and hands the other to Y/N.

Her eyes glance upward towards the wall behind the bar and she grins. "Rick, look."

He looks up and sees a beautiful katana displayed. He huffs a laugh at her smile. "Want it?"

She nods. He reaches up and takes it off the display. She smiles as she takes it from him. "Carl is gonna be so jealous when he sees this."

Rick laughs. "Yeah, he will."

They search the rest of the bar, finding a large supply of cashews and a handful of bottled waters. Rick puts the items in his pack before taking a seat at the bar.

Y/N raises an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

He turns to look at her. "Can I buy you a drink?"

She laughs. "Why, of course." She says dramatically as she plops into the seat next to him. It's still quite early in the afternoon but that doesn't matter to her.

He reaches over the counter and holds up a bottle. "Whiskey?"

She shrugs. "Sure, why not."

He grabs two glasses, pouring out some into each cup. He hands her the cup with more alcohol and she laughs again.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, officer?"

His eyes flick to her lips as he leans a little closer. "What if I am?"

Y/N's heart starts to race. She holds up her glass. "Cheers."

They clink glasses and drink. She chugs her whole glass, with a slight wince.

It's been a little while since she's last had a drink. Probably all the way back at the CDC.

Rick finishes off his glass. He sets it down and leans even closer to Y/N. Their mouths mere centimeters apart.

"Thanks for the drink." She whispers.

"Any time." He replies.

He glances at her lips again. She can't take it anymore, pulling him in by the collar of his new coat.

Their lips connect softly at first. After a moment, it gets more heated. All the built up tension for months, finally coming to life.

This kiss is better than the one in the tent back at the farm. This is different. More passionate.

He scoots her stool closer, moving his hands to her back. She lets go of his coat, instead placing her hands on the back of his neck.

The kiss turns into a full-on make out. They don't want it to end. After some time, he pulls away first. They remain in their position, her hands on his neck, his hands on her back, foreheads touching, as they regain their breath.

Eventually Rick speaks. "You taste like whiskey."

She laughs. "So do you."

He leans in and kisses her once more before standing from his stool. He holds out his hand to her and she takes it, getting down.

He squeezes her hand once before letting go. "We should see if the others found anything."
Once back in the motel lobby, the others showcase their findings.

Lori's group found a few pairs of pants and shorts, some tank tops, and a handful of long sleeves.

Hershel's group found another silencer, some heavy duty canned goods, a can opener, and some water.

Carols group found some medical supplies, medicine, and more water.

Y/N was right, Carl was very jealous of her new sword. She put together a holster that she can strap on her back for easy access.

Daryl went on a small hunting journey and came back with three squirrels. They cooked the meat and enjoyed squirrel, canned corn, and bottled water as their dinner.

The groups sits around conversing and enjoying each others company for a little. Eventually, the group slowly disappears back into their rooms.

Y/N and Rick enter theirs. She collapses onto the bed, facedown earning a chuckle from Rick.

She hears him undressing again. After a moment she feels a tap on her leg. "Get changed."

She groans and rolls over to now face the ceiling.

"Need help?" He asks, with a smirk.

Her cheeks go red but she nods nonetheless, sitting up.

He reaches for her coat, gently taking it off. His movements are slow. She finds herself staring at his shirtless body again.

After the coat is off, he reaches for the hem of her blouse. He looks at her, silently asking for permission. She nods again and he pulls off her top, hands brushing against her bare skin making her shiver.

She stands up, removing her pants slowly, in front of him. His eyes roam her body as she does so.

After she's back in just her undergarments, she sits down holding out her hand to him. He takes it and she pulls him into bed next to her.

His hands slowly trace her body, caressing her gently. After a moment, she climbs on top of him, leaning down to kiss him.

He kisses her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. He bites down on her lower lip, seductively, erupting a quiet moan from Y/N.

He groans at the noise. He breaks the kiss for a moment. "You are so beautiful."

She sighs against him, kissing him deeply. She can feel him start to harden against her.

He pulls away again, slightly out of breath. "Do you want to keep-"

She kisses him again. "Yes."

He chuckles deeply and unclips her bra. "I should've bought you a drink a long time ago."

She huffs playfully. "Oh, shut up."

"Yes ma'am."

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