Chapter 50) Basket

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The creaking of the cell door makes everyone jump up from their seated positions.

Y/N is feeding the baby a bottle of formula, when Rick walks in.

He wipes his forehead. In one hand is his axe. He is covered in blood. "Everyone okay?"

He doesn't look at Y/N, or the baby.

Hershel nods. "Yeah, we are. How about you?"

He points behind him. "Cleared the boiler block."

"How many were there?" Beth asks quietly.

"I don't know. A dozen. Two dozen." He pauses.
"I have to get back. Just wanted to check in."

Glenn takes a step. "Rick we can handle the bodies."

Daryl nods. "You don't have to."

Rick sighs. "I do. Everyone have a gun and knife?"

Carl speaks up. "Yeah. Running low on ammo though."

Maggie inhales. "Me and Glenn were planning on making a run today."

Glenn nods. "Found a phone book with some places we can hit. Look for bullets and formula."

One of the prisoners, Oscar speaks from his seat at the table. "We cleared out the generator room.
Axels there trying to fix it in case of emergency."

"We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well."
Daryl says.

Rick looks at everyone briefly. "Good. Good." He turns and leaves.

"Rick." Y/N tries calling after him. He doesn't turn back.
"Daryl, I don't know about this."

He pats Y/Ns shoulder slightly. "He'll be fine. He's gonna be with me the whole time."

Daryl and Oscar are going to go check more tunnels and halls, clearing anything they can. Daryl wants to bring Carl along.

Y/N sighs. "Okay... Please be careful." Daryl nods and leaves with the other two.

Y/N paces, holding the baby. She paces back and forth continuously. She already lost Lori under her care. She can't lose Carl too.

As quickly as he left, Carl was back. Y/N hugged him the second he walked into the room.

Later, Y/N is sitting at one of the tables. She's holding the baby. Carl sits next to her.

Hershel and Beth sit in the room as well.

Oscar and Daryl are still checking out the lower levels. Glenn and Maggie left a few hours ago for the store.

The cell door creaks again and Rick enters. He is clean, the axe long gone.

Y/N keeps her eyes on the baby, but she can sense Rick walk up to the table she's at.

Rick bends down slightly, his face soft as he looks at his daughter.

She may be Shane's biologically, but she is Ricks child.

Slowly, he reaches for the newborn. Y/N gently places her into his arms.

He holds her up, a tear sliding down his cheek.

After a moment he looks over at Y/N.

"Thank you." He whispers.

Her jaw drops ever so slightly. She didn't expect this.

Instead of saying anything she just nods slightly.
The sunlight feels good on Y/N's skin as she walks outside.

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