Chapter 8

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Once I was dressed in my new outfit, trying to ignore this feeding tube in my stomach was hard though, I was certain that you could tell I had one in through the shirt. I left the bathroom and headed towards the playground again. I figured that for tonight I could sleep in the tunnel then tomorrow I'll head out. I knew I couldn't stay in one spot for too long but hopefully one night would be fine. I climbed back up the stairs and crawled into the tunnel again. I pulled a small blanket that was in the bag out and covered myself with it, making sure I had teddy in a firm grip I settled down into a fitful sleep.

I Stretched out and opened my eyes, the sun was just coming up in the sky, so I knew it was early. I needed to get a move on before someone came along and spotted me. I gathered the blanket and stuck it back in the bag, grabbing Teddy and slinging the bag on my shoulder I crawled out of the tunnel and staggered down the stairs... this playset was a little too big for my small body. Walking out of the park I knew I needed to stay away from the direction the hospital was in, so I turned the opposite way and started walking.

I walked for blocks, every time someone looked at me, I tucked into an alley way, and they all seemed to just turn around after that and keep walking. One of the alleys I ducked down I found a really big box, deciding to stop for the day, since I was a little exhausted from all that walking anyways. I knocked the box over, not an easy task for my little body but I did it. I pushed it closer to the wall, in between a few trash cans and a big dumpster, hopefully I would be hidden away, and no one would think to look in the box.

Once I climbed into the box, I pulled out my blanket and tucked my teddy in for bed, deciding I would just sit and watch the people walk by the alley, and have a little snack from the bag as well. once I found a bag of what looked like little fishies, i opened the bag and grabbed a handful shoving them into my mouth. I noticed a few people hanging around a pole at the end of the alley, they seemed to be hanging up a sign. I waited for them to walk away and then saw a few people stop to stare, then keep walking. I decided I should wait for a little bit to go see what the sign said. I decided I was done with the fishies so I sealed the bag again and stuck them back in the bag.

Thank goodness I had been taught how to read, only because he had decided when he signed me up for school that I had better know how. I don't want to mention how many beatings I got when I was learning though.

Since I wasn't going to check out the sign yet, I figured I should change my diaper thing. Grabbing a new one from the bag and some wipes from the container that was in there, I quickly changed myself and threw the old one and the wipes in the trash can close to me. Pulling my shorts back up, I decided I was going to go check out the sign now. Hopefully I could go out and look at it, then come back to my box and teddy without anyone noticing me.

Once I made it to the end of the alley I looked around and noticed there wasn't too many people left walking around. I guess people must have been heading home. I darted out and stopped right in front of the pole, looking up my heart almost stopped. I was looking at myself, the sign had MISSING right at the top and then listed my height, weight, and that I ran from the hospital, it even mentioned that I had a few health problems, the nerve of them, I didn't have health problems, they gave me a feeding tube!

I quickly darted back into the alley and made my way back to my new box and my teddy. I didn't know what was going to happen now, it was obvious I was going to have to be really careful, if I didn't want to go back to them. I grabbed teddy and cuddled it really close; I could feel the tears streaming down my face. 

Another update! Hope you all enjoyed!

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