Chapter 38

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Abbie sat me on her hip and started patting my back, she started walking in the direction we had arrived from, "Come on Gabby, we need to get home so we can take her up to the hospital to get checked out, I'm hoping her cheek isn't broken." "I'm coming, I hope it's not broken." "How are you feeling Cali?" I looked up at Abbie, then put my hand on her chest and mumbled "Mommy" "Aww, Baby girl, I thought that's what you shouted earlier but I didn't know for sure, I'm so happy right now." Abbie squeezed me a little tighter, and I looked back up at her, she looked like she was going to cry, oh no, I didn't mean to make her sad. I brought a hand up to her cheek and went to wipe away the tear on her, she reached the hand that wasn't holding me and grabbed my wrist, she brought my hand up to her mouth and kissed it, "you're so sweet babygirl, I'm happy you called me mommy." I giggled looking up at her, and then turned my face so that the side of my face that didn't hurt was resting on her chest.

Once we had walked into the house, Josh was standing in the foyer, "How was the first park experience?" he gasped, "What happened to her cheek?" "Yeah that's how well her first park experience went, she was pushed down the slide, by a boy that should not have been playing on the toddler playground." Gabby gritted her teeth "We need to get her to the Hospital, there happened to be a nurse there and we fear she may have broken her cheek bone." "Who was this boy, How old was he?" Gabby and Abbie exchanged glances with each other, "He looked about 7 or 8, his name was Anthony, I'm pretty sure his mom and dad are going to make sure he doesn't do anything like that again, his mom was pretty mad." Josh looked over at me and then lightly touched my cheek, "Anthony you say?" Gabby spoke up, "Josh, let's worry about the boy later, I want to get her to the Hospital to get her cheek looked at." I flinched looking up at Josh, I didn't want him to get mad, I'm sure it was an accident, Anthony didn't mean to push me, right?

"Where's Jordan?" Abbie asked all of a sudden. "He's in the office, finishing up the last of the paperwork from the little issue we had to deal with." "Oh okay, I'll text him that we are heading to the Hospital." Abbie pulled her phone out and texted him, I was in awe that she could do that with one hand. Gabby grabbed the bag from the bottom of the stroller and then grabbed teddies from the front, she handed me one teddy and then started heading for the door, "Alright, let's head up the Hospital guys." As we all started heading out the door, Jordan came flying down the stairs, "What happened!?!" "She got pushed down the slide at the playground, the nurse that was there, said we should take her to get checked out in case she broke her cheek bone." Jordan rushed over to me and set a hand on my head, he leaned over to give a kiss to Abbie, then looked at my cheek, Abbie leaned into him, squishing me, she whispered in his ear "She called me mommy." Jordan looked down at me and gave me a big smile, "Did you really call Abbie, Mommy? I'm so happy for you hun."

We all walked out to the car, and I was set in my car seat, I whimpered and reached back up for Abbie, "You're okay Cali, I promise I will sit right next to you." Abbie sat in the seat next to me and put up her seatbelt, then reached her hand up to me, "I'm sorry baby, please don't cry, I know you are in pain and I'm sorry, I promise we are going to get you checked out right now." Josh looked over at me, "I'll call ahead and make sure they know we are on our way."

When we arrived at the Hospital, we were immediately taken to a room, towards the back of the Hospital, the nurse that had walked us in, looked at all of us, "The Doctor will be in momentarily." "Thank you." Josh turned to look at me, Abbie, why don't you sit down on the bed with her, she would probably be more comfortable with you sitting there with her." Abbie sat down and adjusted me on her lap, I put the good side of my face against her chest and brought my hand up to her chest, settling it right above her boob. Abbie smiled down at me, "I'm sorry you got hurt baby girl, how are you feeling?" I just stared at her, then reached up with the hand that held teddy. "I see teddy baby, is he making you feel better?" I nodded then brought teddy back down and stuck him between Abbie and I.

There was knock on the door, then a man walked in, "What happened?" "Hi, Dr. Williams, she was pushed down the slide at the playground, she landed on her cheek, and with her bone disease we were afraid she broke her cheek bone." "Aww, poor baby, okay well let's take a look, shall we?" Dr. Williams, came over and reached up for my face, I flinched, "I'm sorry, I promise I'm just going to feel your cheek, so we know if we need an x-ray or not, okay?" I nodded and then let him start touching my cheek bone, I flinched when he touched a sore spot right under my eye. "I know, I'm sorry it hurts" he looked over at Josh, "I think we need an x-ray, there's a few spots I touch that feel like they could be broken." "Alright, do what you need to Doctor." "Alright, I think we can just do a quick x-ray, Abbie you can come with her, but you will need to wait outside the room while we take it." Abbie stood up and followed the doctor out of the room, we walked down the hallway and stopped in front of a room that said x-ray on it, "alright we are going to stick this gown over her clothes, and then she will stand on the X in the room." Abbie set me down and then took the gown the doctor held out and slid it over my dress, "Can you be brave for me? I'll hold onto teddy for you while you take the X-ray okay Baby?" I nodded then hugged teddy tightly and then handed Abbie Teddy, I looked up at the doctor, "Alright we will make this quick."

Once I was back in the room, sitting on Abbie's lap back on the bed, the Doctor came back in with a file in his hand, "alright so let's take a look at this picture." He walked over to this weird looking white thing on the wall and stuck a black and white picture up on it. He flipped a switch and the picture lit up. He started pointing at the picture "So here you see her cheek bone, looks like it's not broken, just heavily bruised, and she will more than likely be sore for a few days and end up with a black eye." "Thank you, Doctor." Abbie gave me a big hug and kissed the top of my head. "I'll prescribe some medication for the soreness I'm sure she will be feeling." Abbie stood up with me and turned to look at the rest of the group, "Let's head out everyone, I'm sure Cali is tired and I'm hungry so I'm sure she needs to eat something as well, it's way past dinner time now."  

Look at that! three updates in one week you all! 

Thank goodness no surgery for Cali! 

Thank you to everyone who is reading and commenting on my story, I had no idea so many people would like my story! 

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