?Demon King! Douma? (Part two)

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A/N: the long awaited part two! Also, check out my new book! It's one I'll write in when I'm bored. It's called Uppermoon GC or something, because GCs are easy to write.

Douma stood in the middle of a large room, a few corpses crumpled on the floor. Blood dripped down from the walls, staining them a permanent red. He rolled his rainbow eyes dismissively. They had deserved to die, simply for the crime of being born. Such pathetic humans were far below him. They were vermin in his eyes. Why did he pretend to serve a few of them as a saviour?

He was the demon king. They should serve him.

He strode out of the house, black overcoat flapping behind him. The moment he walked out, his sharp nails and the blood splatters on his face vanished. His rainbow eyes quickly dimmed into a dark blue, slit pupils returning to a more spherical shape. Pearly white fangs slid back into his gums, being replaced with normal blunt human canines. To anyone else on the busy high streets of Tokyo, he would appear a normal person like everyone, nothing out of the ordinary.

Douma hurriedly walked into a small alleyway, a place where he could command Nakime to teleport him to the infamous -among demons, obviously- Infinity Castle. This was his usual place to be transferred to the underground palace-like building, the haven he'd built for himself a few hundred years ago.

He wanted to conduct an experiment on a plant he'd been given by a demon, who claimed it was the Blue Spider Lily. Obviously it wasn't, firstly for the fact it was red, but it had a similar structure to the flower he desired.

Usually the alley was deserted. Today was different, however. Two demons stood in the narrow passage way, shooting hostile looks at each other. Douma could smell the little power they had wafting out of them in weak waves.

He hadn't turned them into demons. He'd never turn people into such weak demons, he couldn't identify them, and one of his many talents was his ability to recognise every demon he'd transformed. It must have been another demon that had wasted his precious blood on them.

He silently began to walk past, ignoring how they yelled at him to 'get lost'. Douma payed them no attention, they weren't worth his time.

"Hey! Listen to me, idiot." One of them had come over. They had a pale blue yukata and a dumb smirk. Douma rolled his eyes again. If they kept bothering him, that yukata would be stained red by the end of the night.

"Freak. He won't listen." It seemed as if the other one had decided to join in with the teasing.

Douma stopped. He turned to face them, a polite smile on his normally blank face.

"If you could please move, sir, then we could both get on with our lives."

"Are you making fun of me?" Hissed the blue yukata-clad one. "Because if you are, I'm gonna kill you."

Douma's smile vanished from his face. "I see. You can't just let me walk in peace."

The other one, who had dark purple hair that faded into a black colour (a/n: it's not Shinobu y'all i promise), came closer. "What a weirdo."

They weren't saying that when Douma punched their head off their shoulders.

The skull bounced, blood splattering on the already dirty floor. The yukata demon stepped back, still eyeing Douma suspiciously, but now with a hint of fear.

"I can't regenerate!" The demon head in the corner shrieked. Whereas normally the skin and muscle would have begun to build up, layer by layer, the neck was still quite severed.

Douma grinned at the second one, white fangs emerging from the blunt canine teeth of his mouth.

"You're next."

The demon hastily took another step back. "Hey, we can talk about this...right?"

They had their hands raised in a defensive position, body tense and ready to run. Douma took a step forward. And another.

He swung his arm, his fist making contact with the much weaker demon's face. Douma's hand pushed upwards into the yukata demon's skull, gripping the flesh and tearing it out.

The demon screamed in agony. Douma laughed, a crazed expression on his face. It was fake of course, but very convincing for the demon he was brutally mutilating.

Douma removed his hand, wiping it on the demon's pale yukata. He retracted his claws, his face once again blank and expressionless.

He turned around, ignoring the groans of pain from the two demons that did not have enough power to regenerate from their injuries.

Douma sighed. He didn't really want to do the experiment anymore. His desire to go to the infinity castle had been depleted by the demons that were no doubt dying in the back alley.

Instead he flicked the blood off his face and hand, washing it off with a scrap of cloth in one of his pockets. He stepped out onto the busy streets, looking for a taxi to take him to his human house where his 'wife' and 'son' were probably waiting for him to get back from a 'business trip'. He was sure they would be delighted to have him back a few days prior to the date he had agreed with them.

He checked his watch. It was a few minutes past midnight, so he would definitely get back before sunrise. After a few minutes of walking up and down the street, he managed to get hold of a taxi that was willing to take him on the hours drive home.

He could ask Nakime to teleport him, but Douma didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment, and he could also eat the driver after this, meaning he would get a meal.

He got inside of the car, and the vehicle sped off. The driver attempted to make conversation, but Douma 'politely' refused.

The rain was lashing down when Douma arrived to the house, which admittedly was more like a mansion. What could he say? He liked big spaces.

Douma paid the driver and got out, deciding not to eat him after all. He wasn't too hungry, and there was his human family if he got too hungry.

Coming up to the oaken door, he unlocked it and silently stepped inside the house. It was quiet. That was understandable, since it was around one am.

(A/N: idk how to finish this, so bye. Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned for part 3, and have a good day/night)

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