Song Lyrics 'She's My Terracotta' (August 2022)

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she is my art she's my terracotta
I've been stuck stuck, stuck at the bottom
crazy how I fall when it isn't even Autumn
but when I'm with her, my heart with blossom
I fell in love and it felt oh so awesome
I've been searching hard, and it's been real foggy
I've been stuck stuck, stuck at the bottom
she is my art she's my terracotta

dig dig, dig dig
crazy how an apple falls on my head
fell from a tree, fig fig fig
is it gravity, am I really Newton

If I am Newton than I really am Cam
under my jersey I am SuperMan
I'll give my powers to the Super fans
lead through the darkness that was grand

she is my art she's my terracotta
I've been stuck stuck, stuck at the bottom
crazy how I fall when it isn't even Autumn
but when I'm with her, my heart with blossom
I fell in love and it felt oh so awesome
I've been searching hard, and it's been real foggy
I've been stuck stuck, stuck at the bottom
she is my art she's my terracotta

and when we reach the other side
I'll see gardens all around us
was this really my time
perhaps God has found us

she's a witch how she does Pottery
I'm not talk no Harry Potter
think I won her love like a lottery
crazy how I found her, crazy how I got her

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