The Cold Rain

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Raindrops fall from the cloudy skies
In the cold, it's easy to feel demised
Alone in the bleak, wet terrain
A feeling of emptiness and pain

No one by my side, no one to hold
Left in the rain, feeling so cold
The dampness sinks into my bones
As I walk through the streets on my own

My thoughts race, my heart beats fast
As I trudge through the rain, hoping it won't last
I long for the warmth of a cozy home
To escape the rain, to not feel so alone

But for now, I must endure the chill
As the raindrops shower and thrill
Until I reach a place to call my own
And find the comfort I've longed to know

So I keep on walking, through the rain
Knowing that soon, I'll find my haven
And in that moment, I'll leave behind
The feeling of being left alone in the cold rain

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