Toxic Humans

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A toxic human, so false and so cruel
So blind to the truth and so unaware
Of the hurt that they cause and the pain that they fuel
In the lives of those that they come to ensnare

Their noxious words and vicious deeds
Have made the world a darker place
And left so many broken and in need
Of a loving embrace

They drag us down with their need to control
Their manipulative tactics they deploy
Making sure that they take us for a toll
And with each passing day we feel more destroyed

The toxicity of these humans
Is more than we can bear
And we know that if only they'd change
We'd be free of despair

So let us take a stand together
And take back our power
Show them that they will not defeat us
That they have no power over us anymore

We'll be strong, and resist
And fight against their lies
We'll show the world that we're better than this
And no longer will we be poisoned by their toxicity

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