Love Never Lasts

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Love never lasts as the seasons change
The days move on and the moon's phases rearrange
Each moment shared, each moment passed
The love we feel, it won't last

We search for the one, the one that will stay
But the truth is, it won't last through the night and day
No matter how much we try to keep it alive
Love never lasts, and it's hard to survive

We try to hold on, to keep it close
But the truth is, it will soon become a ghost
We search for something that will last
But love never lasts, and it's hard to accept that fact

We may think it's real, but it's a facade
It's a facade that will eventually fade
It's like a fire that eventually dies down
Love never lasts, and it's hard to turn around

We try to find solace in the arms of another
But the truth is, it won't last forever
No matter how much we try, it can't be denied
Love never lasts, and it's a hard thing to try and hide

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