WRLD Full Of Lies

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The world is full of lies and deceit
Where truth and justice are hard to meet
People only living for what they can get
And those in power, they never forget

The poor and downtrodden, all left to die
While those in power get to have their way
No one to listen, no one to try
No one to care if someone does cry

The world is full of so much sorrow
And sorrow seems to last for tomorrow
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer
And the truth is forever harder to uncover

The lies in the world, they are getting bolder
The truth is buried forever, never to be tolder
No one to listen, no one to care
And the world, it keeps on spinning, unaware

The world is full of lies and deceit
And it's time for us to take a stand
We must not forget to be strong and brave
And the truth, we must find, to save

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