I'm Done With Them

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I'm done with them, my heart can no longer take the pain
The hurt and sorrow I've experienced has been too much to sustain
I'm done with them, the friends I once knew have been torn away
The trust I had in them was broken, the friendship lost for good today

My hopes and dreams have been shattered, I'm done with them for sure
The promises they made were empty, and my future looks obscure
I'm done with them, my patience has run out, I can't take it anymore
The lies, the secrets, the betrayal, my heart can't take it all in store

My faith in them has been broken, I'm done with them for good
I must find a way to move on, and try to do what I could
I'm done with them, but I'm determined to move on and be stronger
So that I can find a new path, one that will last much longer

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