Pain Makes Us Stronger

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Pain is the fire that builds our strength
It sears our core and sparks us to length
It tempers us, a forging heat
That turns us into something more complete

It sears away all that is weak
And forces us to stand on our feet
It's not a pleasure, but it's a must
For without it, our life is but dust

Pain is the price to pay for growth
It's a spark that brings us closer to our goal
It's not a simple or easy part
Yet it's the key to a stronger heart

And when we suffer, we will strive
To reach a higher place we can survive
The pain and sorrow, the hurt and tears
Will bring us closer to our fears

But it's not all bad, for when we rise
We will have a deeper strength inside
Pain makes us strong and gives us life
It is our fire, our source of strife

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