Slaying Demons

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The fight was long, and the odds were steep
The demon hordes were tall and deep
But onward I marched, my courage strong
My sword and shield, I held them long

The sun was low, and the wind was cold
My heart was heavy, and my courage bold
But onward I marched, with no retreat
Towards the demons I had to meet

The demons roared, and I heard their cries
Their laughter echoed through the skies
But I stood firm, and I held my ground
I'd never turn around, never back down

The battle raged, and the blood ran deep
My sword and shield, I used them to keep
The demons at bay, my courage strong
My heart held steady, I knew I was right and wrong

The battle ended, and I put away my sword and shield
The demons had been slain, and I had won the field
My courage had held, and my heart held steady
The demons were gone, and I held my head proudly

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