All They Do Is Lie

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Lies they tell and lies they keep
Secrets they share and secrets they keep
Deceit hidden beneath a smile
Falsehoods whispered in a whisper
All they do is lie

Masks of truth they try to wear
But darkness lurks behind the veil
Their words a twisted web of lies
Each sentence an artifice of deceit
All they do is lie

They weave a story of deceit
Spinning tales of broken dreams
Vacuous words that promise hope
But leave nothing behind but despair
All they do is lie

They twist and distort the truth
Mislead and manipulate
Never telling the whole story
Selling lies cloaked in deception
All they do is lie

They craft a narrative of lies
Spun from a tapestry of lies
A false reality they create
A masquerade of falsehoods
All they do is lie

Lies to conceal their secrets
Lies to keep them safe
Lies to deceive and mislead
Lies to protect their fragile egos
All they do is lie

And so we must be ever vigilant
To guard our hearts and minds
For no matter how convincing the falsehoods
We must never forget the truth
All they do is lie

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