The Last Days

18 7 0

The last days on earth
A somber time of mirth
As we ponder what we could have done
Before our time's now done

The sky is darkened
The sun has been sparkened
And our days are now numbered
For our lives have been encumbered

We stand on the edge of the abyss
Casting our gaze out in a hiss
As we prepare for our fate
Awaiting the end, but too late

The trees are barren and grey
The birds have flown away
The rivers now stand dry
And the creatures no longer cry

The days are turning dark
The nights are growing stark
As we look back in regret
At the things we could have yet

The hands of time have ticked away
The sands of life have been swept away
And the future is no more
As we face the bleakness of the shore

We can only say goodbye
To the earth we loved and cry
For our final days are here
And our time on earth is near

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