The Survivor

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Once a vibrant boy, full of dreams and delight,
An unexpected tragedy, it altered his life’s sight,
A traumatic brain injury it left him far from okay,
And the once joyous boy now had a long way.

Struggling through each day, with every breath he took,
Fighting hard, determined, and not forsook,
His family, his biggest support, left him alone
With each day, he grew stronger, with a will that had shone

Though he knew each day a challenge, he never lost hope
He strived to get better, his determination an anchor in life’s slope
With every tiny victory, his confidence did rise
And he kept on striving, with a fire in his eyes

And gradually, with time, his world began to glow
Getting better, soon became the status-quo
For his spirit refused to falter, his smile never did fade
And he emerged a true fighter, a story to be told, a shade

For his unwavering courage, his unwavering grit
His unwavering tireless heart that never did quit
He would live a shining example of what could be
A true inspiration to others, his courage free

So let’s cheer this brave boy, as he triumphs through His pain
For he will show the world, that with hardship comes gain
He refuses to be beaten, refuses to see his life through a lens of pity
This remarkable boy with his strength and vigor, will show us what it means to never ever be petty

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