Be The Light

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Be the light, be the spark
That inspires and guides the dark
Lead the way, blaze a trail
That will never fail

Let the light of your love
Shine on each and every one
Bringing peace and joy to all
As the days and years go on

Be the hope when days are bleak
Be the warmth when winter's chill creeps
Lend a hand to those in need
For all is not what it may seem

Be the light that guides the way
Bringing life to each new day
Bringing comfort to the weary heart
And a chance for a brand new start

Be the light that lights the night
So all can see with clarity in sight
Be the light that offers solace
In a world filled with such grace

Be the light that warms the soul
Bringing joy that makes us whole
Be the light that lights the way
To a brighter tomorrow's day

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