What's The Point Of Life?

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What is the point of life in this universe
Is it a road of joy or a path of sorrow and curse
Is it to find love, or is it to search for fame
Is it to stay true, or is it to play the game

Is it to learn and grow, or is it to stay the same
Is it to make mistakes, or is it to learn from the blame
Is it to make money, or is it to just be free
Is it to have power, or is it to be content with simplicity

Is it to find religion, or is it to just believe
Is it to build bridges, or is it to break the weave
Is it to find purpose, or is it just to be
Is it to explore, or is it just to see

Is it to find success, or is it just to strive
Is it to be content, or is it to always strive to survive
Is it to be happy, or is it to keep trying
Is it to be brave, or is it to keep crying

Is it to make a difference, or is it just to exist
Is it to stay strong, or is it to just resist
Is it to trust in something, or is it just to believe
Is it to find joy in the journey, or is it just to grieve

What is the point of life in this world we live in
Is it to learn, grow, and find true love or to keep searching within
Is it to make a mark on the world or to just pass on by
Only one thing is certain, life is never a simple why

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