I Give Up

26 11 1

I give up, I have no more fight
My energy and hope have taken flight
I have reached the end of my rope
I have been pushed and pulled until I can no more cope

My efforts have been all for naught
My strength and will have been caught
By a force that I cannot see
A force that keeps tearing me

My dreams have been put aside
My ambition has been denied
My heart has been slowly broken
My spirit has been slowly awoken

And so I give up, I can take no more
My strength and courage have been swept away from shore
My fire has been extinguished, my faith has been tested
My hope has been put to rest

But there is a spark, a glimmer of light
A chance to get back up and take flight
To break free of the chains that hold me down
And to reclaim the strength that I have found

And so with a new sense of hope and ambition
I give up, but with strength and determination
To move forward and find a new path
And with a breath of courage, I will make it last

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