My Love For You

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Oh love, my heart is aching
My emotions so deeply shaking
The passion that I'm feeling
Is far too overwhelming

My love for you so strong
Though I know it could never last long
The bittersweetness of our time
It's like a thorn in my side

The pleasure that I take in you
It's something I can't renew
My heart feels such a deep pain
That only love can explain

My hell of loving you
Is a hell that I can't undo
It's a love that I can't ignore
It's a burning fire that burns so sore

The pain and pleasure I endure
It's a feeling I can't cure
Your love is like a flame
That I can't put out or tame

My love for you is so strong
That it can't be tamed or wrong
My heart will forever bleed
Till I'm in your arms and I'm freed

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