Poisoned Heart

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Love is a thing of beauty
A captivating force of nature
It can bind us together or tear us apart
With its power to both heal and hurt

Our hearts are laced with venom
A deadly substance of passion
Our feelings and emotions can be so strong
That we often forget to be cautious

We enter relationships with open arms
Promising to be true and honest
Believing the other will keep us safe
But all too soon our trust is broken

We give our hearts away too easily
Overestimating the power of love
Unaware of the hidden dangers
And the potential for us to be harmed

Our hearts can be made of steel
Hardened by the pain of the past
But at the same time they can be soft
Ready to open up and embrace love once again

We must not forget the lessons we have learnt
And guard our hearts with care
For with love comes the possibility of hurt
And hearts laced with venom

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