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'Oh no' Minho felt what happened before his mind could fully comprehend it.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

'What?' asked Changbin.

The two of them were just trying to rip out the plants from the cracks in Felix's room before they could grow even more and destroy it. It was a slow useless work.

Now Changbin looked up at him, worried once again.

'Felix', was all Minho said before he stormed out of the room.

His legs carried him through his palace, for once he took all the right directions to get out of it.

Then he was out in the open, making his way as fast as possible eastwards, to the river Styx.

Jisung was standing at the shore, looking out into the grey moving waters.

As they heard Minho approaching they quickly turned around.

'Minho! I'm sorry, he was so fast, I couldn't- I wasn't quick enough-'

'It's not your fault. I should've know he'd do that'

They both stared tensely out onto the river.

Minho took a step towards it, the ice cold water napping at his feet.

'You can't- Sir, you shouldn't go in there'

'And leave him there? No, no way. I'll survive this rather than you'

Jisung huffed halfheartedly.

Skeletons couldn't touch the water of Styx, they'd immediately dissolve into it.

Minho swallowed. He gathered all his strength and stepped into the water.

It was so goddamn cold.

He could feel Felix's presence near him. Thanks to the ban he couldn't have come far.

'Fuck, Felix, you're so stupid' he muttered to himself while he let himself be submerged into the stream.

Minho fully ducked underwater. His limbs already felt like falling off.

The silvery liquid didn't leave him a chance to see anything that was further away than his outstretched hand. He just had to trust his senses to lead him to the other god.

Styx could turn people who bathed in her invulnerable, if she wanted to. But that only applied to demigods or mortals who'd undergone a special preparation with magic spells and herbs and meditation.

If a mortal went swimming unprepared, they died.

If a god went swimming unprepared it was just hella uncomfortable.

Minho had done it lots of times before, for various reasons, so he knew how much his body could stand before he lost consciousness.

Felix, though, didn't have that kind of experience, so he was probably passed out by now, Minho figured.

His arms trembled against the cold.

Felix had to be here somewhere.

His energy was ceasing.

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