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Minho and Felix stood next to each other on the shore of Acheron, lake of misery.

The younger had enthusiastically set his mind on extending his fresh garden, thus searching the whole underworld for new plants.

And to ensure that he didn't accidentially kill himself, Minho accompained him.

The so-called water of Acheron had a dark muddy green colour. Here and there, gooey bubbles swam on the surface.

A weird fog, similar green to the water, disguised the middle of the lake, making it impossible to see the shore on the other side.

The Acheron's misery stank. Minho just wanted to get away.

Felix didn't seem to be too disturbed by it, though.

He strolled the shore up and down, searching for plants.

Now and then, he would crouch down and pick something up, tucking it in his oversized pockets.

He had put on a dungaree that was several sizes too big, extra to be able to transport as many plants as possible in the pockets.

Minho just watched him, trying not to breathe too much of the acid smell.

'There is an isle!', Felix called, pointing into the green fog.

Minho sighed.

'Yeah. There is'

'What's on it?'

'You don't wanna be on it, believe me'

'Why not?'

Felix seemed so naively interested, looking like a child with his huge eyes and huge dungaree.

'It's the isle of pain. It's about as big as your bedroom. As soon as you step on it, you will be in excruciating agony'


Felix tapped thoughtfully against his lips while staring into the fog.

'Sounds exotic', he eventually concluded. 'Are there plants on it?'

'You will not go there, Felix'

'Are there plants? Don't lie to me'

'Yeah, probably. The last time I checked'

A slow smile creeped on the younger god's lips.

'No, Felix. Don't even think about it'

'Hey, you'll be happy when I kick the bucket. One problem gone'

With that, he unbuttoned his trousers and shirt and took both off.

Once again, he stood before Minho wearing nothing but undershorts. No plush socks this time, though.

And Minho knew better than to stare.

'Felix, you will regret this so bad'

'But I get plants!' he said happily and stepped into the green water.

Minho withstanded his will to run after Felix and pull him back.

Instead, he watched how Felix made his way deeper into the viscous liquid.

'This feels disgusting!'

'Then come back, you stupid fool!'

Felix somehow managed to flip him off while swimming.

Minho sighed.

Soon after, the younger god was swallowed by the green fog.

Silence fell over the scenery.

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