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The god of death stepped into Persephone's garden.

Changbin had said that Felix would be here.

The garden was huge, and way more overgrown than Jeongin expected it to be.

The blonde hair of it's patron wasn't to be seen anywhere.

Hesitantly, heart hammering nervously, Jeongin followed the stone path deeper into it.

He passed a small pond with hundreds of blossoming water lilies.

Behind it, the path disappeared into a forest consisting of the wildest mix of trees and plants Jeongin ever saw.

Bizarre underworld growths next to common blossoming cherry trees.

After a second consideration, he swallowed and went into the forest.

He was the god of death. He would know if he was to die today.

At least he hoped it worked that way.

After a few steps into the forest, he spotted a meadow to his right, which had previously been hidden by leaves.

It was sunny and overgrown with all kinds of flowers.

He didn't know why, but something drew him there.

He stepped carefully on the meadow, afraid he would trample some of the flowers.

Suddenly, Jeongin saw an partly overgrown stone column from white marble at the other end of the meadow.

The column hadn't been there a few seconds ago, the god was quite sure of that.

Curiously, he inched closer.

There was another column, and another, and marble tiles covering the floor, equally overgrown, but shiny nonetheless.

As Jeongin stepped onto the white marble, he realized it was like a small open atrium.

There were three stone benches in a semicircle.

On one of them, crosslegged, sat Persephone and watched Jeongin with keen dark eyes.

He wore a fluffy light blue dress, similar to the one he'd worn the last time Jeongin saw him.

He was pretty, without question.

Some weird tension buzzed in the air between them.

The god of death couldn't decide wether he wanted to run away or stay still and stare for ever.

Felix laid his head to the side.

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

'I like your shirt'

Jeongin swallowed.

'Minho thinks it's stupid'

Felix huffed.

'That boy doesn't have any taste'

The blonde god mentioned to his stone bench, inviting Jeongin to sit next to him.

He came over, hesitantly.

His dark cold atmosphere felt like a violation against the soft brightness filling the air.

Felix didn't seem to notice - or care.

Jeongin sat down, somewhat awkwardly.

'It's nice here'

'Yep. I build this part of the garden myself'

'Minho didn't help?'

'Oh no, Minho doesn't know about this place' he gestured around the marble floor and overgrown columns.

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