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Four days later, Minho finally stepped back into his realm.

He felt almost too exhausted to walk in a straight line.

The Tartarus had been sucking energy from him faster than he could cope with.

The familiar grey meadows of his world, the thick white nebula that covered Asphodel, the rush of the rivers had a warm sense of coming home washing over him.

The only thing Minho wanted to do was get to his palace and fucking sleep for the rest of his life. Yet he had promised himself to visit Charon first.

The ferryman should have gotten hold of some plants and seeds by now, so Minho wanted to get them as fast as possible.

In the palace, Changbin had started with organizing the south wing's converting.

Minho just couldn't wait for the garden to be finished so he could show it to Felix.

Charon waved to him already from afar.

'Rough week?'

'Tartarus is as annoying as ever'

The other laughed.

'Some skeletons dropped by earlier and already got your plants. Better that way, it was quite a lot'

'Oh my God, Changbin I love you', Minho groaned to himself, more than relieved that he didn't have to carry all that stuff through the underworld.

Charon chuckled and stepped next to his king.

He mockingly laid an arm around his shoulders.

'One day you gotta tell me how the fuck it comes around that Persephone herself is here and a boy and here as in tied to the underworld forever by an evil pomegranate curse'

Minho was stunned into silence.

'I'm not prying, though'

'How...' The god took a breath. 'How the ACTUAL fuck do you know all this?'

Charon turned his head to look irritatedly at Minho.

'How I know this? He told me'

'He was here?!'

'What do you mean? He's literally right over there playing with Cerberus'

'Oh shit'

'You should definitely get some sleep'

'Thanks for the flowers'

And Minho made his way over to his hellhound that remotely looked as if she was eating Felix.

'Cerberus, stop it!' he yelled over the distance.

Two of the dog's three heads looked up at the familiar voice.

As soon as she recognized Minho she let go of Felix and spurted over.

Her six feet tall, black furred body crashed full speed into Minho, knocking him on his back.

Gasping, laughing, he endured the three wet tongues slobbering over his face and neck and body.

After a while, Minho noticed Felix standing next to him, watching with a grin.

Still giggling, he shoved Cerberus off his face.

The dog straightened herself up and looked panting between the two gods.

'That was the closest thing to sex you get here. Go on and enjoy it a little longer'

Felix's grin turned mischievous.

Minho huffed.

'Not with you watching'

'Why so shy, darling?'

The younger started fondling the dog's heads.

'Who is a good boy?'

Cerberus whimpered excited, her tail wiggling.

'Who is a good boy? You are!'

'She's a girl'

'She likes being called a good boy.'

To the dog: 'Yes you, yes you, my precious, you like being called a good boy don't you?'

The dog let out an agreeing woof.

Felix turned to Minho: 'I'm sure you would too'

Minho tried not to choke on his salvia.

Meanwhile, Cerberus had laid down and turned over, presenting her belly to Felix.

He was more than happy to start scratching her soft stomach.

One of her heads looked at Minho with her tongue lolled out, slobbering, her eyes glistening happily.

'She likes you' he concluded.

'All dogs like me. And I like them'

Felix pulled something out of his dress's pocket.

It were Cerberus's special treats for special hellhounds.

She straightforwardly snapped one out of his hand. Chuckling, Felix gave one treat each to her other two heads.

Minho was flabbergasted.

'She accepts food from you' He tried not to sound too jealous.

'Yep. Jealous?'

'She accepts food from me too'

'But you're not special anymore, poor boy'

This time it was Minho flipping off Felix.

'Did I miss something else while I was gone?'

'I have a throne as well now, next to yours. But mine is a little bigger and way more prettier'

'Next to mine? Oh hell'

Minho crouched down next to Cerberus's heads and started petting them.

'And I learned to know my way around in your palace, probably better than you do. Oh, and a very nice goddess with wings told me to tell you thank you for giving her vacation and that her wing is alright again-'

'Why the hell is one of the Furies nice to you? I always think they hate me-'

'And Jisung and I baked the whole time. There's fresh strawberry cake'

'Oh my Lord, Felix, I love you. Strawberry cake!'

Felix deliberately ignored that and went on:

'Also, I need some really special herbs from the mortal world. Do you think you could get me them?'

'Later, first sleep and cake and bath'

'In this order?'

'Not necessarily'

'Was your trip to hell exhausting, babyboy?' Felix's tone was mocking.

'I came out alive and that's all what counts'

Minho straightened himself up. He really just wanted into his bed.

'Don't keep her from doing her job for too long okay?' he mentioned to the slobbering hellhound.

Felix leaned down and stage-whispered to Cerberus: 'Don't listen to the old cranky man. You deserve a break. Because you're amazing'

Cerberus nodded agreeing.

'Interesting how I went from being a baby boy to an old cranky man in the matter of not even two minutes'

'The difference isn't that big. Both are annoying as fuck'

'Good night, princess'

'Good night, cranky baby boy'



who wouldn't like being called a good boy

(mild mention of suicide in the next chapter)


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