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Persephone's garden was sunny and warm.

Some insects chirped lazily, in the distance one could hear the snapping plants singing a capella.

The god of the underworld stood in the rather back of the garden, next to the small pond.

Some of the underworld plants there had grown poisonous tendrils that attacked everyone who stepped too close.

He was just in midst of the attempt to cut them off.

The plant hissed angrily.

The god started talking to it, a habit he had picked up quite recently. As he was alone in the garden, he didn't feel ashamed to have a whole conversation.

His voice actually managed to calm the hissing plant down a bit so he could continue his work.

The tendrils still moved after he cut them off.

That was somewhat creepy, but not the creepiest thing he'd seen in this garden.

The dark haired god decided not to think too much about it.

The sun seemed warmer somehow.

A gentle breeze played with the leaves and the daisies that grew at his feet.

'Why are you cutting the tendrils off?' a voice behind him asked.

'They're poisonous.' He shrugged.


That voice.

The god spun around.

And there, in the sunlight, in a light white dress, blonde and freckled as ever, stood he.


Their eyes found each other, the gardening scissors falling to the ground with a soft thud.

The blonde god let out a small breath, almost a laugh.

The other couldn't help but make a similar sound, completely in disbelief.

They didn't know who moved first but suddenly they were hugging, clutching to each other as close as possible.

The god of netherworld buried his face in the other's neck, deeply inhaling his scent, grabbing the fabric of his dress harder.

Felix was here, he was here, as real as he could be, his scent was the same, his body so warm.

He was holding onto the other just as desperate.

'I... I'm so sorry that I'm here just now, I'm so sorry that I needed so long-'

The older moved back, just enough to see the other's face.

His cheeks were wet with tears.

'Princess, I don't understand, how... how are you even here? How did you get past the ban?'

He chuckled helplessly.

'That's... I... The Moirai-'

His words were swallowed by small happy sobs. The older gently swiped his tears away, regardless of how he was crying just as much.

'Take your time, princess'

The blonde god didn't speak though.

He moved up, cupped the older's face and kissed him.

Their kiss was laced with too much emotion, too much desperation and joy and love.

It tasted salty from their tears.

'I missed you' the older god said with a raspy voice.

His mouth against the other's lips.

Their lips danced together.

'I was so sure I would never be able to feel this again'

The blonde pulled back half an inch and breathed silently:

'I love you'

Their mouths collided once more.

Hungrily, eager to prove this as real, eager to prove that this wasn't a dream.

'So. The Moirai', the god of spring cleared his throat.

He started explaining against the other's lips.

'Lachesis. One of them. When we completed the bargain, she said I could go home'

His hand moved to the back of the taller's head, holding his face close.

'She didn't say I could go back to the mortal world. She said 'home'. And my home is the mortal world, yes, but... it's also here'

Before saying anything else, he leaned up and pressed their lips together softly.

Both of them savouring every second of the kiss.

'I needed a while to understand that' the blonde whispered. 'But I can move freely between here and the upper world. I can be wherever I want'

His eyes locked with the older's gaze.

'Because you are my home, Minho'

∆the end∆



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