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They went on with their usual life after that, pretending as if nothing had changed.

Meeting on their balcony to sip tea, searching for plants in some ungodly corners of the underworld , dancing, gardening. Stargazing.

Meanwhile they waited for the days in the mortal world to get longer again, waited for the time to come that Felix would go.

Time passed faster in netherworld. And even if it wouldn't - it still would've felt too fast for the both of them.

Minho's nightmares got worse again. He didn't tell Felix about this though. He didn't want the younger to feel guilty leaving him down here.

What the god of the underworld didn't take into consideration, was that he and Felix literally lived next to each other.

So - of course the other knew about his nightmares.

The closer his planned leaving got, the more recently he would be waken up in the middle of the night by the sound of screams or rummaging from Minho's room.

He didn't dare to say anything about it though.

Until it was one of his very last nights.

There was a silent knock on Minho's door.

His room was dark except for a small cozy light next to his bed he had turned on.

His heart was beating like crazy, his mind dizzy.

The door opened a crack wide.

Minho didn't remember telling them to come in but that didn't make a difference as soon as he recognized the blonde hair peeking in.

'Are you alright?'

Felix looked unusually soft and crumpled.

He must've just woken up, like Minho.

The older god nodded drowsily.

'I heard screams'

Felix carefully entered the room, the door clicking shut behind him.

Minho slowly shook his head to try to sort his thoughts.

'Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, it was just a nightmare'

Felix unsurely hovered at the door.

'Do you need anything- should I make you a tea?'

'Oh no, no. The tea just helps when I drink it during the day, now it's too late'


Short silence.

'And my special tea?'

The blonde wiggled his eyebrows, attempting to make a joke.

Minho chuckled weakly.

He was sitting in his bed, his sheets around him, hair disheveled, cheeks and eyes reddened.

'You really don't look okay, baby boy' Felix dared to say.

'You don't need to worry about me, princess'

'You need your sleep, Minho'

'So do you'

Felix sighed annoyed.

'Do you want me to sleep here?'


'The night we .. when I slept next to you, you didn't have any bad dreams'

spring is here again | skz | minlix | greek mythology auWhere stories live. Discover now