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A few days (and sleepless nights) later Minho actually decided to move next to the garden. And next to Felix.

Which was Felix's suggestion.

Their rooms laid directly next to each other, sharing the huge balcony.

'Are you sure you want to have the same balcony as me?'

'Yeah, Minho, I don't care'

'I could come over at night and secretly creep into your bed'

'You can try'

'I- can?'

'You wouldn't survive but yeah try it'

Minho scoffed.

'And you'll hear me screaming when I have nightmares'

'That's... true. But first, you're moving here so you don't have as bad nightmares anymore and second.. earplugs exist'

Minho laughed. 'As if you would put in earplugs voluntarily'

'Better than listening to your screaming'

Felix thought for a moment, then added:

'Also, the fact that I get very moody if I don't sleep enough will add extra pressure on you to remain quiet'

'I doubt that'll work'

'You've just never seen me really moody'

Minho just pulled his eyebrows up questioningly.

'Okay, whatever' Felix sighed. 'Let's try it out for a few nights and see if we can adjust. And if you survive'

'Sounds like a plan to me'

And so they tried it out.

Minho's room was a little smaller than his old one but also brighter and somehow... warmer.

Secretly, he loved it.

And he did have less nightmares. Or the ones he had were less draining and less disturbing.

Felix was still convinced it was the sunlight that helped.

Minho on the other hand was pretty sure that it was rather Felix's presence next to him that was healing.

But he kept his mouth shut.

And they never brought their trial phase up again. They just got used to it in the matter of half a week.

Meeting on the balcony to share tea and enjoy the garden view in the morning or evening hours.

Waking each other with quiet knocks on the door (Felix's knocks were loud) to go eat breakfast together.

Minho yelling through the wall when Felix and Jisung were singing too loud.

Felix singing extra louder to annoy him.

Both of them loved it. Secretly.

And they danced.

Minho danced multiple hours each day, Felix joining him now and then.

It was a few weeks later.

Minho had just finished dancing alone, standing by the side to drink something, as a sudden pain pierced through his torso.

He let out a surprised groan, curling over in shock.



Changbin stood up from the piano and hurried over to the god.

'What's going on?'

'I don't know'

spring is here again | skz | minlix | greek mythology auOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora