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'What happened in the tower room, Felix? What did you do?'

The younger's eyes fell close.

'Nothing' he whispered.

Minho didn't believe him.

'But you're acting really different'

Felix was quiet.

'Are you sure you're okay?'

'Let's not talk about it, Minho. Maybe some other time I'll tell you everything'

The blonde god moved back, stood up, the intimacy between them broken and bleeding.

Minho was tempted to follow him just to feel the closeness again.

'What are you gonna do now?'

Felix didn't answer right away, staring at Minho while he seemed to be lost in thought.

'I don't know' he mumbled eventually.

His tone suggested that he wasn't talking about his plans for the afternoon but instead of something bigger.

If only Minho knew what it was.

He wouldn't get through to him though. Not today.

So he sighed and stood up as well.

'Can you dance?'

Felix seemed confused but somehow thankful for the change of topic.

'A little'

'You wanna come and dance with me?'

'Dance with you?'

'You know how I mean that'

Once again Felix just stared at him, a hundred different thoughts hidden behind those dark honey eyes.

'It helps you loosen up and get rid of build up energy'

'That sounds like you're suggesting sex'

Minho just rolled his eyes.

'I'm a monk, remember? Come on, dancing will do you wonders'

And Felix followed him.

His mind though was still caught up in their words.

You're not as much of a monk as you like to pretend, Minho, he silently thought to himself.

'Why hadn't you danced in a while?'

They were walking through the hallways.

Felix was desperate to make conversation to distract him from his thoughts.

Minho sighed.

'I didn't have the energy. Also.. dancing brought back some bad memories'


'Someone...' Another sigh. 'Hyunjin taught me'


'And? How could I dance the steps he taught me when I knew I had-'

Minho stopped himself. Started again.

'Felix, I was too close to the sun. I loved him too much. It took a bad ending. Dancing reminds me of everything. So, it's hard'

For a while they were just walking in silence.

'But isn't dancing about feeling? Isn't it also to express the bad stuff, desperation, grief, sorrow? Minho, can't it remind you of the happy moments as well?'

spring is here again | skz | minlix | greek mythology auWhere stories live. Discover now