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Minho quickly fell asleep next to Felix, snoring silently.

Felix absolutely, seriously wasn't staring.

He wasn't.

Even though Minho's face was unusually peaceful and relaxed.

And handsome.

And the shadows danced over his skin and his lips were parted slightly, showing his front teeth.

Felix did not stare. At all.

As Minho woke up with a long yawn and stretch, he found Felix sitting on his other side, back against the tree trunk.

The freckled god was making flower crowns.

Minho blinked the sleep out of his eyes.

'I slept'

'Yep. For several hours.'

'I didn't have any nightmares'

The older couldn't quite believe it himself. Felix looked at him and smiled a little.

'The sunlight does you wonders'

Minho didn't think it was the sunlight though.

'Yeah' he said, gaze caught up in Felix's face.

He was so pretty.

Minho felt alarmingly comfortable around him.

For a while neither of them said anything.

Felix working with his flowers and Minho watching him.

'What did you do the whole time? Flower crowns?'

'Nope, this one's my first. I grew plants and watched you sleep, what else?' the younger mocked.

You're attractive when you sleep.

Minho shook his head. Bad thoughts.

'Nice' he mumbled, careful not to show any of what was going on in his mind.


Why did his heart leap everytime Felix said his name like that?


'I've been thinking, too. The ban'

He sighed. Here they went again.

'What about it?'

'Doesn't it mean you're a prisoner here as well as I am?'

Minho stopped dead. That... that wasn't the question he expected.

'Yeah', he said after a moment. 'Yeah, it kinda is like that.'

Felix nodded slowly.

'I've never considered it like this before. So you're just as screwed as I am'

'The difference is just that for me, this is home'

'And for me not'

The younger smiled sadly.


There was a silence, both gazing at each other.


Felix voice was more silent, lower. His dark honey eyes stared into the other's soul.

'Yes' A swallow. 'Princess'

'What... what exactly did you dream? I- I mean what did we do?'

Minho let out a surprised laugh.

'Why would you want to know that?'

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