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Jeongguk came after a bit of drying and dressing himself onto the living room where the couch was admired by a certain brunette sitting there with the clothes he wore before.

Taehyung whips his head at sound of footsteps to see the ravenette in his casual clothing wearing grey sweatpants paired with a baggy t-shirt.

"Oh so you have clothes other than suits" He tried to mock because he cant show his embarassed face when Jeongguk is looking this fine in his casuals, tattoos on full glory.

The ravenette ignored the jibe coming from the younger and took a seat beside the him. "Mr. Kim, what do you want collab with me for? I don't do deals in general, only if it's necessary for my company." He went straight to the point with his normal expressionless facade.

Taehyung raised a brow "Listen,my company dominates here in Korea, don't pretend that you don't know. It's just that our overseas purchases are not doing that well, in west specifically." Jeongguk listened attentively, no hint of mockingness in his face.

"So me and my manager decided to you know collaborate with you since you are uh-h-"


"You rule there" Taehyung finally said the sentence in a heartbeat
and the older of the two smirked in satisfaction.
"oh so you finally accepted who his the king, huh?" Taehyung scowled at those words.

"Never, this collab is temporary only for the things to settle in west and after that you will fear your position,Jeon and above all you're still a newbie in Korea and to take down my position here is like falling willingly like Icarus, burining yourself until nothing's left."

Jeongguk had a small smile more like grin on his face watching brunette ramble about himself.

Oh how he is so full of himself like he can freaking undermine Jeongguk's power like that with no care.

Jeongguk find it amusing.

The ravenette looked at those brown hazel nuts with his now dark ones with a sharp glint "Oh c'mon Mr.Kim just admit it or your ego is too big for that it won't allow you to see the truth-"

"You're just blabbering" Taehyung rolled his eyes. He knows the ravenette's power but never ever in his life he is gonna admit it, will never let his guard down.

Jeongguk expression changed to a more teasing one, he poked his tongue cheeks and spoke, eyes still digging onto the younger's face "Seems like your action speaks differently than words."

Upon hearing this Taehyung embarrassment reached at peak remembering what he had done in Jeongguk's bathroom.

He wanted to punch himself for giving in to his desires of body so easily on the other hand he blames Jeongguk for looking so damn hot while bathing shirtless, exposing his bodies inks and needles.

His eyes were hodded, inviting, and a desire for something he can't decipher that's why Taehyung said fuck it, he will face the future after but at this moment it was only him and Jeongguk.


But wait-

everyone showers without clothes.

Tae oh god how can you be such a fool, of course everyone does but why Jeon fucking Jeongguk looked so damn sexy-

His thoughts were haywiring in his brain and not a single excuse coming but he still decided to lie "I told you the reason before don't ask me again and you're acting as if you were sitting there like a saint" he said making the ravenette chuckle.

"I'm here for the deal not to hear your nonsense, make it fast I have works to do unlike you" Taehyung faked his impatience and checked his wristwatch for time. Honestly he wanted divert the attention of the ravenette from that topic and prayed to god that he would not ask further more.

"As you wish." Jeongguk said smile still as it was before and it irked Taehyung more than it should.

They both came to serious business talk after that adressing and explaining things which needs to be done here and there.

"- yeah the automobile sector of our enterprise is leading America on the other hand the organic food supplements sales are decreasing there but we had not found the main reason behind it." Taehyung told him with some papers in his hand concerning the trade which Jeongguk was also observing meticulously.

"What did you added on your advertisement for it?" The older ceo asked the younger one.

"We showed like it was a baker's kitchen and he was perfectionist in cooking and had cabbages on the counter ready for making a homemade kimchi and how it was very natural amd fresh straight out of harvesting like that."

Jeongguk nodded

"That. That's when you did a mistake. People like to see reality in adds, they relate it to them ensuring the best product quality and it's nature."
Taehyung frowned but the older continued.

"The mistake is if you showed a harvesting field where the crops are done in a countryside, people will be satisfied because it's more genuine than a random person showing off his kitchen. They demand quality and pureness. I know you're gonna say that your employees make it with natural products.

But trust me no matter how right you're people tends to believe what is being shower to them and adds make a huge impression."

Taehyung was speechless was just an understand. He can't believe in his 4 years of business someone would be able to leave a big impression on him and correct mistake of his own company.

Jeongguk got up from where he was sitting then looked at the glass window.
"I hope you got your answer." said him, hands in pocket, eyes not matching with the younger.

Taehyung also stood up to match Jeongguk's position. "I accept your offer, Mr.Kim" the older took his hand out off his pocket for a handshake. For a sec Taehyung just stared at it still dazed from the older but decided not to make it obvious so he too took his hand out for the ravenette to squeeze.

"Thanks for your favour, Mr. Jeon"
This time Taehyung genuinely smiled at the older while there hands were still glued to each other, both were lost in each other eyes. The brunette's breathe hitched for a moment before he remembered something and retracked his hands back.

"Listen to me Jeon, whatever I mean what today happened between us was the first and last time. Only the two of us are the witnesses and I very much not like if anyone else should be added to the list. So it's better you will keep your month shut and so I, hope I'm clear enough." Taehyung with no emotion on his face which is unlike of him and the older doesn't likes it.

The older nodded with the same expression on his face "Neither me"
It came so smooth but Jeongguk know how much of lie was those two words for him. Atleast for him anyway, its clear Taehyung doesn't seem to care.

And so that's what he thought.

Taehyung nodded ignoring the ravenette's words so it would not affect him. "Okay then, i'll see you at work" saying this he left after collecting his belongings leaving the ravenette's alone in his penthouse.

Both being unaware of what this business deal would lead them into.

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