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Both the ceos were almost done with meeing, getting up to leave.

Of course the meeting ended with their bickering but not on both sides. Jeongguk was in his usual monotone but Taehyung..

Taehyung, his voice lacked the energy, the inner turmoil to fight like he does so but after waiter's incident; he found himself finding no interest in whatever statistics calculations Jeongguk was telling him.

But still the chamomile tea picked by latter for him had provided some kind of resurance to Taehyung he didn't know what to voice it out. He cringed at the word reassurance.

But on the above of the all this, the most prominent was sexual tension between both the males. Jeongguk was especially trying hard to get a grip on himself.

You see he is self made man, being grown up with big doe eyes oh so shinny with full of ambitions, dreams and hardwork. Desire was a hindrance on that path but the latter never once let himself give in to something so irrevelant.

But today when the epitome of desire
i.e. Kim Taehyung himself was looking oh so pretty, no sane man can resist of.
Not to mention the noises the younger was making while eating with oh so cute pout; having no clue of the effect he has on the ravenette.

And Taehyung was no good either, Jeon Jeongguk with his clad tight shirt from which his muscle bulge can be traced easily and perfectly gelled black hair.
For him, only one gaze from the latter is enough to be plaint.

The constant mouth fight and side glances at each other was doing no good. But Jeongguk knew this was not right, the younger clearly said during their last meeting to not touch him.

He is not a pervert and as for the brunette, he will not ever do this; not ever be looked upon as desperate in front of Jeongguk. He don't want the older to think he is so desperate to want him. Not when he himself told him to stay away.

So with these thoughts and awkwardness, both headed to their respective cars. Jeongguk's car was first in line, before getting inside his car he and Taehyung faced each other.

Jeongguk was trying to ease the atmosphere as they are about to bit goodbyes. "Thank you for today,Mr.Kim. I hope we both succeeds in this after all its a huge project." he said looking intensely into the younger's eyes.

Taehyung gritted his teeth frustratingly.
The urge to come closer is so much that he might faint. His sharp feline eyes had want evident on it as he tried hard not to look away from Jeongguk, he bit lips in anticipation.

The older eyes shifted from the brunette's eyes to lips for a sec before going back to where it was.

'Do something ' Taehyung screamed internally

'Take the move first please please ple-'

"I'll arrange our further meetings and will inform you now I gotta go. Bye." the older drove away leaving a grumpy brunette behind.

'Fucking fine fucker' Taehyung yelled nowhere else.


Massive crimson neon letters spelling 'Paradise' were displayed at the end of the narrow dimly lit hallway leading to the entrance of the nightclub. As Jeongguk and Yoongi walked down the hallway, they could hear loud blaring music from the other side of the entrance. The club is known for being high-end. So usually people who like to throw their money like it's harvested from trees from all over Korea and other countries crowded the place on weekends and Fridays. Be it the VIP rooms, strip clubs, casino, Dance area, you name it, Paradise Club had it all. So the place was the most popular nightclub in Seoul.

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