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Their order came after few minutes of discussion as waiter placed the meal on their table. He glanced at the ravenette in the process and smiled at him, which looked more of a flirtatious kind of grin.

"Here's your meal sir, enjoy" said the waiter, exposing his collabones by unbottoing the top two buttons of his shirt; his eyes lingered on Jeongguk way more longer but the ravenette was busy on his presentation he is discussing to Taehyung with.

The brunette was not liking this a bit, the wicked grin of standing male, trying the failed attempt to seduce Jeongguk, he was frustrated;  anger was oblivious in his hazel eyes.

What more made his blood boil is that the other ceo is not doing anything to shoo the waiter away.

And Jeongguk also mentioned that he comes to this restaurant often. There are possibilities they might know each oth-

Now its enough

"Excuse me" Taehyung slammed his hand on the table, gaining the full attention of ravenette on him "It's not your hook-up place that you can flirt with anywhere,Mr.Jeon.

So kindly do this at a private place, we are here for an important not to fuck others." Jeongguk was in utter bewilderment and gave the other male a 'What the fuck' look.

The waiter was embarrassed and just left after bowing making Taehyung roll his eyes. "Are you out of your mind, why the fuck do say these things in public place?" Jeongguk asked.

"Why not? got you all exposed huh?" Taehyung replied mockingly; contrasting to the stinging sensation inside his heart. Jeongguk clenched his jaw,poked his tongue inside cheeks and spoke-

"First of all, i'm not hooking up with him and second why the fuck did you assumed that?" The brunette didn't know but the other male's words calmed his nerve down.

"Oh yeah? Now pretend that you didn't see the way he was looking at you as if you're his lover or something." Taehyung huffed, tilted his head sideways; not facing the ravenette.

"Wha-" he cut off a very surprised Jeongguk

"Nevermind so the next project will be on which department?" Taehyung tried to dodge the topic, mentally slapping himself for being so oblivious. He sipped the drink on table and continued "I heard Kang may-"

Taehyung coughed  suddenly, placing his palms on his chest and had a puking face Jeongguk eyes widen in panic and in milliseconds he reached for Taehyung. "Mr.kim, are you okay?"

Standing up from his seat,he gave tissue paper to Taehyung and hesitantly touched his back, slowing started caressing it making Taehyung relax down.

The ravenette shook a bit to get the same height as the younger male and held him from the back seeing the still troubled brunette. "Shesh! Its okay, its fine, calm down.Yeah?" His voice was so soft like he was talking to a toddler with utter sweetness, completely opposite of his usual voice.

When Taehyung finally stopped coughing, he looked sideways a bit upwards to see the ravenette who held him, they both held the eye contact for some seconds and Taehyung's heart skipped a bit.

He looked away from Jeongguk, eyes fixed on the floor well fuck his body for reacting completely opposite of what he wants. He cursed at himself but realises the older's hand was still on his shoulder.

Taehyung slapped away his hand as he took his previous seat "Who told you to touch me huh? No need to show your fake concern, you have more important people for that other than me." he snapped at Jeongguk.

But the latter was only standing still in his previous position not moving an inch,face now devoid of any emotion.
He looked at the counter and then at Taehyung and spoke curtly

"Why did you puked? Is it because of the coffee?" Jeongguk motioned at the coffee glass of the younger.

"Why do you wanna drink it?" Taehyung gave a devilish smile to Jeongguk who had enough of it. So the ravenette placed both of his hands sideways on Taehyung's chair, caging him in his arms.

"Just answer the fucking question." He sounded angry, but the words rather came out as a turn on to the younger. Taehyung gulped down his throat and tried voice out the words forming at his tongue-

"I-it It's because I don't like coffee, had an elergy since high school." He said it looking sideways not at the older male with a slight pout which and frown which didn't go unnoticed by the older.

Jeongguk now let go of the younger and yelled "Waiter, bring a cup of Chamomile tea and clean this mess out in a minute."
Within a min, another staff came with the order as Jeongguk took the cup to give it to Taehyung.

Taehyung frowned more and this time a little more cutely "Are you serious?  How the fuck you know I like tea? Woah, now i'm seriously scared that you're stalking me or something? " he looked at the older but this time with a small smile on his lips.

Jeongguk then took his seat too and said while gazing peircely at the brunette "Your gutt can change nothing of what I'm, so think whatever you want." he said curtly and now Taehyung thinks this man in front of him is either insane or is in his high.

Like who the fuck can act so carefully and gently with others then at the same time be a cocky fucker. Even those two sentences didn't fit to each other.

He decided to not reply this time as got lost in his thoughts that how much of Jeongguk he still has to know. He truly is a mysterious person, a man Taehyung never in his wildest dreams thought about to meet.

But guess what, destiny had other plans for the two.

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