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When Gemini got out of the shower Fourth was already gone. "Oh he is gone? Good riddance." Gemini thought to himself. However his mind was occupied by Fourth, his honey glazed brown eyes, his naturally rosy pink blushed cheeks, the mole by the side of his cheek and his soft, pink plump lips.

He couldn't stop thinking about how his skin is so smooth kinda like porcelain and the warmth of his body when their bodies were pressed against one another. He couldn't stop thinking how Fourth's lips tasted like, "strawberries and cigarettes" He murmed to himself while touching his lips.

"Get it together Gemini." Gemini said to himself as he ruffled his hair in frustration. He hated thinking about Fourth, and the mere thought that he might be attracted to him infuriated him. He couldn't stop thinking about Fourth, so infrustration he decided to call his friend "Hey Joong, let's meet up and have drinks. Organize some pretty ladies as well."

Gemini wanted to blow off some steam and there wasn't a better way to do it than with his good friend Joong who is always the life of a party and surrounded by beautiful women. He thought the best way to get his so called fiancé out of his mind was with a party and a friendly hook up with a babe or two.

At revolution exclusive cocktail bar

Ford had dragged Fourth to a party at an exclusive party at a fancy cocktail bar in Bangkok. "Cheer up you look great!" Ford said with a grin plastered on his face. "Shut up... You only brought me here so I can play wingman." Fourth complained. 

"Not all of us are handed an ideal man on a silver platter like you Khun Fourth." Ford said making Fourth roll his eyes. "Dude you had 5 boyfriends in the last 6months, and 3 out of those guys were pretty decent." Fourth said putting his arm around Ford's shoulder. "A person like me is not looking for decent, the keyword is Magnificent." Ford replied.

"I wonder what's the definition of Magnificent in your books." Fourth asked while laughing. "Maybe someone like that." Ford said pointing at a handsome curly haired stranger. "That looks like Mark Pakin." Fourth said eyes glued to the stranger. "As in Gemini's right hand man?" Ford asked and Fourth nodded.

Fourth looked around turning to see if he can spot Gemini. Ford dragged him towards the direction of the said handsome stranger. "Hello handsome." Ford said with a grin on his face holding  on to the arm of a very annoyed Fourth. "Hello cutie." Mark replied with a flirty smile glancing at Ford and when his eyes met Fourth. "You're Gemini's fiancé!"  He exclaimed then looked around suspiciously as if he was looking for someone.

"What are you looking for?" Fourth asked with a raised eyebrow. "Uhm nothing let me get you something to drink." Mark said nudging the two friends away from the VIP area. Although hesitant and suspicious Fourth complied and followed Mark who had his arm wrapped around Ford's waist. "Great! Now I am gonna have to play third wheel." Fourth mumbled.

When they reached the bar, Mark got himself whiskey on the rocks, Ford got himself sex on the beach cocktail and Fourth got himself a virgin strawberry daiquiri, he had grown to like it since Gemini introduced it to him. Mark and Ford were shamelessly flirting infront of Fourth who cursed himself for agreeing to come to this party in the first place.

Standing there awkwardly sipping on his daiquiri Fourth's eyes roamed around the place, scanning everybody and then he saw someone familiar walk into the VIP area with two women in both his arms, then followed by another guy who had two women in his arms. Fourth decide to kill his curiosity and look closer, it's not like Ford is going to miss him anyways.

Fourth walked into the VIP room, there were men and women tonguing each other, cigar smoke and clicking sounds of whiskey and champagne glasses. He walked around the room still looking for that familiar person when he saw Gemini, kissing an unknown woman and another woman kissing him on his neck. For a second Fourth thought he was going to be sick, he felt a pang in his chest and he felt nauseated.

When Gemini turned to look at the other woman, he caught a glance of Fourth. "Fourth!" He said as he quickly stood up and brushed off the women who were clinging on to him. Fourth's face was calm but his heart was raging with anger and jealousy. He didn't know why he felt possessive over Gemini, but made an excuse that Gemini should at least be respectful towards him, and he felt what he just saw was utter disrespect directed towards him.

Fourth looked at Gemini with raging eyes and grabbed a random stranger and kissed them. He didn't know why he did that. Was it to make Gemini jealous? Was it to hide his humiliation? Fourth didn’t know, all he knew was that he was kissing this random person without even having asked for their consent. Fourth pulled away from the stranger and as he was about to apologize the stranger said "Oh that's a nice way of saying hello." With a smile on his face.

"I... I am sorry." Fourth said as he awkwardly smiled with a flushed face due to emarassenent and a bit of shame. "I am not. The name is Satang and who should I call you kiss stealer?" The stranger asked. As Fourth was about to answer Satang Gemini grabbed Fourth's arm aggressively "You will call him nothing!" He said as he dragged Fourth out of the VIP area leaving behind an amused and intrigued Satang.

Gemini dragged Fourth all the way to the VIP parking area where his black Lamborghini Urus was parked. "Get in!" He said with a scowl. After a lot of resistance Fourth got in the car. Gemini drove off and they were silent the entire ride. Fourth didn't understand why Gemini was angry when it was him who was tonguing two women and had his tongue down the throat of another.

"Where are we? And why am I here?" Fourth asked with his arms folded, his defense stance. "Get out! Let's go." Gemini answered his voice filled with anger. "No!" Fourth said stubbornly with his arms still folded and mouth pouting. Gemini ruffled his hair in frustration.  Nobody has ever said no to him, not even his parents. "Will you stop being so stubborn!" He shouted but Fourth was adamant and shook his head not indicating on having plans on moving from the passenger seat.

"Fourth!" Gemini yelled. Fourth eyed Gemini and scoffed. Gemini knew he had to calm himself and try to reason with Fourth. "Listen, I am sorry for yelling okay I lost my cool for a second. Can we please go inside and talk." Gemini plead with Fourth. "I have nothing to talk to you about." Fourth said with a frown on his face. Frustrated, Gemini walked to the passenger door and grabbed Fourth's arm and pulled him out of the car, dragging him inside the building.

"Let me go!" Fourth yelled. He could have easily escaped Gemini's grasp but didn't instead allowed himself to be dragged into the elevator by Gemini. "Gosh you are so stubborn!" Gemini said as he let go of Fourth's arm as the elevator door closed. "Why am I here Gemini." Fourth asked very annoyed. "We are at my Penthouse." Gemini replied as the elevator door opened and he walked into his apartment followed by Fourth.

"Why am I here?" Fourth said arms folded. "I told you to talk." Gemini said as he threw his jacket by the couch and poured himself a glass if whiskey. "Okay talk!" Fourth said still very much annoyed. "What the hell was that?" Gemini asked calmly but you could sense the anger in his tone. "What the hell was what?" Fourth asked pretending to not know what Gemini was talking about.

Gemini's expression unreadable walked closer to Fourth, making Fourth back away. It wasn't like Fourth was scared of Gemini he knew he could take him in a fight as he was pretty confident in his skills. "Don't play dumb." Gemini said still walking towards Fourth, Fourth backed away until his back was pinned against the wall. "Gemini..." He said in a low soft voice. "Tell me what was that?" Gemini said now a few inches away from Fourth. "Back off Gemini, I am warning you." Fourth said as he put his hands out as to stop Gemini from getting closer.

Gemini grabbed both Fourth's hands and pinned them against the wall above his head. Fourth's heart was racing, he was stunned by Gemini's actions. He stood there looking at Gemini's eyes with his heart pounding and breathing heavily. Gemini leaned closer and whispered "I asked you what the HELL was that Fourth." His warm breathe brushed against Fourth's face, a scent of a cigar and whiskey went into Fourth's nostrils as he inhaled deeply.

"Gem..." Fourth said softly. Gemini closed his eyes brushing his nose against Fourth's cheeks and nose inhaling a scent of strawberries, honey and a hint of vanilla. "Gem what are you-" Fourth was cut off as he felt Gemini's lips on his.  
Thank you for reading this chapter. Feedback is always appreciated. I will try to update as soon as I can. Rak na jub jub 🌻🌞

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