Go to the end of the earth for you

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Porsche was the first to break eye contact with Fourth, giving in to the fiery eyes of his youngest son.

"You are so stubborn you know that?" Porsche said out of frustration.

"So I have been told." Fourth replied, he was still hiding Gemini behind him. He was prepared to protect Gemini, the same way Gemini had protected him all those times in the past.

"Okay fine. I get it. You two love each other and are willing to die on hill to prove that." Porsche said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone and took a sit at the olive green couch in Fourth's room.

Fourth and Gemini looked intently at Porsche who was quiet, it looked like he was deep in thoughts contemplating something. Perhaps trying to figure out what to do with them, or specifically what to do with Gemini.

"Okay right. You two stay here and lock the door until I come back. Lord knows what would happen if either of your brothers or father find out Vegas' spawn is here." Porsche said and Fourth rolled his eyes at his father's comment but was willing to comply nonetheless.

"Oh and please try to keep your hands off each other, preferably with your clothes on for the time being." Porsche commented before leaving the room.

Porsche knew it was trivial to try separate Fourth and Gemini, the way Gemini looked at Fourth it was clear he was willing to give anything to be with his youngest. And the way Fourth stood defensively between him and the latter it was also clear he would do the same given the chance.

Porsche can't say he faulted themthough, he was the same. They were the same, him and Kinn.

Porsche came from an upper class family, his parents both being prestigious doctors were against their marriage. Not because Kinn was a man, on the contrary his parents were very open minded and knew that Porsche was bisexual as he came out to them when he was in his first year of uni.

They detested Kinn because he was the son of a ruthless Mafia kingpin, Korn Kittisawasd. The man who terrorized half of Thailand and the entire Bangkok during those times. His parents were too self-righteous as if they themselves didn't participate in illegal activities, although not as blatantly obvious as Kinn's family. It was just fraud and political stuff, anything to keep the rich richer.

So you can imagine how his parents acted when their eldest son had chosen to marry the second youngest of the Kittisawasd, the notorious Mafia clan of Bangkok at the time. They were less than thrilled, horrified at the mere thought of being openly associated with such.

Porsche was made to choose between the love of his life or his family and he chose love. He of course hoped that his parents would come to their senses but they not only disowned him, they also prevented him from ever contacting his beloved brother Porschay, he kept trying though.

Kinn's father also made their lives a living hell, Porsche initially didn't want to get involved in this lifestyle. Kinn had assured him that he would leave it all behind, they will live an honest life. After various threats and manipulative tactics Korn used on them both they ended up running the Kittisawasd empire. Porsche stayed despite promises not fulfilled.

After Korn passed on and with Porsche's influence Kinn tried to run their businesses as legitimate as possible. Yet overtime Kinn became more and more like his father, he didn't blame him though they had enemies every corner of the world so he had to do what he had to in order to protect his loved ones. He loved that at least Kinn tried. He tried to be a good person, that's why he stayed until now.

So he understood Gemini and Fourth, he wanted to protect them from Vegas and Kinn. Protect them from all this mess that they have created and the only way he knew how was to get a third party involved. Someone who Vegas, Kinn or worse Pete had no direct contact with.

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