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Fourth flutters his eyes open and felt arms wrapped tightly around his waist. As he lifts his eyes he is met with Gemini's honey glazed eyes piercing at him. "What are you looking at?" Fourth asked looking at Gemini smiling at him.

"The most beautiful sight this morning." Gemini replied making Fourth shiver in embarrassment. Fourth wasn't used to Gemini being like this, he was so used to them bicker and have shared dislike for each other that Gemini talking like this to him gave him goosebumps.

"Stop it!" Fourth said pushing Gemini away from him, but Gemini just tightened his grip around his waist. "What are you shy?" Gemini asked Fourth in a teasing tone. "Shy?" Fourth huffed "Why would I be shy?" He asked averting his gaze away from Gemini's.

"That shade of pink looks good on your cheeks when you blush." Gemini whispered in Fourth's ear with his lips hovering over his ear.

Fourth's once pink cheeks turned a shade darker when he heard what Gemini said. "Shut up!" He said slightly punching Gemini on his shoulder.

"Are you always this aggressive when you are shy?" Gemini asked chuckling. "Aggressive my ass, I will show you real aggression if you don't stop." Fourth threatened.

Hearing this Gemini got excited, reminded of the previous night's events so he straddled Fourth pinning both his hands besides him. "How aggressive is aggresive?" Gemini asked staring at Fourth with a devilish smirk.

Fourth could feel heat rising from his chest and flush across his face. He held his breathe, hoping if he held his breathe Gemini won't hear how rapidly his heart was beating. Gemini's eyes were beautifully deep and velvety, they were rich and soft like chocolate.

Fourth let out a breathe when he felt Gemini's lips on his. "This type of aggressive?" Gemini asked as he gently nibbled on Fourth's bottom lip. "Or this kind of aggressive?" Gemini asked as he bit Fourth's bottom lip making Fourth wince.

"Gem.." Fourth groaned. He preferred the latter type of aggression. The feeling of Gemini's teeth piercing his bottom lip sent a jolt of electricity throughout his body. It excited him and... other parts.

Gemini grinned mischievously when he felt Fourth's hard on. "So you like the latter." He said as he bit Fourth's bottom lip with much more force piercing through his lip a bit making Fourth moan.

"So freaky" He said before he devoured Fourth's lips pushing his tongue into his and aggressively sucking on it. Gemini parts Fourth's legs open with his knee positioning himself between his legs not breaking the kiss.

Their lips part slightly as they catch their breaths while panting. Fourth licked Gemini's lips "sweet" he whispered with a cheeky smirk. Gemini stared deep into Fourth's eyes, a flame of lust sparkling in his eyes as he remembers the previous night's events. His body felt the need to feel that again, to have Fourth, to feel Fourth.

"You are driving me crazy you know?" Gemini said in a low husky voice as his gaze moves from Fourth dark orbs to his lips that have formed a satisfied smirk. Gemini let go of Fourth's hands and grabbed his thighs and repositioned him. He grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer and wrips it open with his gaze still fixated on Fourth's half-lid open eyes.

Gemini held Fourth's head and with no preamble whatsoever he thrusted himself inside Fourth, making him cry out more in surprise than anything else, but Fourth could still hear the hiss of Gemini's breath forced through his clenched teeth.

"Yesssss" Gemini hissed close to Fourth's ear. Gemini swiveled his hips once, pushing deeper, making Fourth groan. "Gem..."

"I need you..." Gemini growled, his voice low and husky. He ran his teeth along Fourth's jaw, nipping and sucking, and then he kissed him again, hard. Fourth wrapped his legs and arms around Gemini, cradling and holding him hard against him.

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