The date

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"Seriously? You Gemini Norawit courting someone?" Mark said as he shook his head in disbelief. "Yeah I am finding that hard to believe." Joong added. "Wow thanks  guys, your faith in me astonishes me." Gemini said sarcastically. 

"Look sorry Gemini but you can't blame us. You don't date, you never have." Mark said patting Gemini on the shoulder and Joong hummed in agreement.

"Okay I see your point but that was the old Gemini. This Gemini sitting beside you two is a changed Gemini, asking his two dumb friends for help." Gemini said. "First of all maybe you shouldn't call people you are asking for help dumb. Secondly how long do you think you can keep it in your pants?" Joong asked with a smirk.

"Yeah because we both know Fourth isn't going to give in so easily." Mark said with a condescending smirk. Gemini furrowed his eyebrows  and said"Guys it's not like I need sex to survive." Joong put his hand on Gemini's shoulder and said "Of course you need booze too.".

"Wow! Are you guys here to help or tarnish my reputation." Gemini asked sulking. "Ah ah ah fine don't sulk. How can we help?" Mark asked. "I was thinking of doing something to woo him." Gemini replied.

"How about getting him red roses, that should woo him, works everytime for me." Joong suggested, Gemini shook his head and said "Too cliché, plus Fourth hates red roses." Joong kept silent for a while, taking some time to think "How about a candle lit dinner at that expensive Italian restaurant?" Joong suggested again.

Mark and Gemini  both shook their heads in disagreement. "No Joong that won't work, Fourth doesn't like Italian food." Gemini said. Joong let out a frustrated sigh and asked "Okay so what do you suggest." Gemini looked at Joong and slapped him on the back of his head and said "I don't know idiot! That's why I got you guys here to help me think."

Joong pointed his finger at Gemini while rubbing the back of his head and said "You are a tyrant Norawit! A man of violence." Mark laughed and said "I can't disagree with that." Gemini glared at his friends and said "Are you guys going to help me or are you going to keep throwing false accusations at me."

As Joong was about to suggest something, Gemini cut him off and said " Joong if you going to suggest some clichè shit like a scene out of a K-drama it's best to keep your mouth shut." Joong rolled his eyes and said "just trying to help." Gemini sighed and said "Well you are not doing a good job at it."

"How about take him out on a date." Mark suggested. Gemini narrowed his eyes glaring at his friend. "Hear me out. I am not suggesting any of that clichè rom-com shit Joong was suggesting." Joong gasped looking offended. "Okay?" Gemini said looking intrigued.

"So Ford, my boyfriend." Mark giggled at the thought of his boyfriend then quickly composed himself when he caught his friends looking at him disapprovingly. "Okay like I was saying Ford told me Fourth likes doing adventurous stuff, last time he went bungee jumping. So how about you take him sky diving." Mark suggested.

"No can do Pakin, you seem to have forgotten my fear of heights." Gemini said shaking his head. "How about mountain climbing?" Joong suggested earning himself a disapproving look from Gemini. "What part of FEAR OF HEIGHTS do you not understand Archen?" Joong put his hands up in surrender.

After a few minutes of silence Joong suggested "How about you take him fencing? You mentioned he liked fighting." Gemini looked at Joong and gave it some thought "That's actually not a bad idea Archen." Joong gave Gemini a cocky smile and said "Of course they don't call me the grand Master for nothing."

"No one calls you that" Gemini said quickly wiping Joong's smile. "I hope he stabs you in the gut." Joong said feeling offended. Mark laughed and said "I think fencing is great, plus Ford tells me that your lover boy was considering getting into Kendo." Joong looked confused for a second and asked "kendo? What's kendo?"

The Arrangement जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें