F.R.I.E.N.D.S, not just friends.

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The one thing that never seems to get old is Fourth getting fucking kidnapped. Okay maybe this time is not exactly kidnapping as in a bag was put over his head and he was dragged to a very expensive looking hotel room.

Maybe he should consider making a career out of being a damsel in distress.

So what happened was he was off at the market buying ingredients for the dinner party him and Gemini were throwing. Well it's not a dinner party per se, it's just him, Gemini and his uncles which technically ends up being a party once the drinks start flowing.

Gemini and Kimhan were getting along really well, it turns out they have a lot in common. Including the subtle sociopathic tendencies that he should find alarming but finds rather endearing. Porschay told him it's in their  genes to fall in love with slightly deranged individuals, which after a lot of consideration it made sense.

His father dated two of the most deranged individuals he knew and ended up marrying one so it made sense that he himself will end up in this situation.

"It's the thrill of knowing that they would burn the entire world just for you." Porschay once said to him will sparkling eyes while he looked fondly at Kimhan with a small smile.

"Has he? Burned the world for you? Hypothetically speaking that is." Fourth had asked in response.

"He has done more than that." Porschay had responded without missing a beat. Fourth didn't probe any further, maybe because he kind of knew what his uncle meant because there's no doubt in his mind that Gemini would the entire world for him. Heck the man had killed for him, left his family and friends for him. So there's probably nothing he wouldn't do for him.

He also knew that his uncle Porschay wasn't as innocent as he portrayed himself, he had power over his uncle Kimhan and he knew how to use it. He himself wasn't as innocent, even though Gemini saw him as an angel that was short of a halo and wings.

He let Gemini see him in that sight, even though he knew Gemini knew the real him. The him that killed, manipulated and was doing underground fighting since he was 14 beating up men who were twice his size. Gemini knew all of that, he never hid it from him but Gemini still looked at him in awe and held him up on a pedestal of all that was good and he let him.

Just the same way Porschay let Kimhan look at him with those eyes, like he was seeing all that was righteous in the world.

Nonetheless Fourth finds himself kidnapped? Taken? Captured? Either way he finds himself dragged against his own will to this place when all he wanted was to get pasta and maybe some broccoli at the cute market near their place of residence.

Now his first instincts were to fight these people off, and then he sort off pitied them because somehow he was confident that Gemini will find him. Gemini always found him, and with his uncle Kimhan in the mix he was probably more than confident. Almost arrogant actually so he indulged them.

He didn't however expect that the people that had captured him to be his bestfriends.

"How did you find me?" Fourth asked, eyes wide and glistening. This moment felt like those mirages you get when you are left in the hot desert for too long you end up dehydrated and start seeing a glass of water form before your eyes.

"Dunk found you idiot." Ford replied punching him on the shoulder, and it actually hurt.

Well that explains it... Dunk also always finds him.

"Ouch that hurts!" Fourth said rubbing the sore spot on his shoulder.

"I would have punched you square in the face but I don't want to ruin your beautiful face, because I love you. You fucking asshole." Ford said with red rimmed eyes as if he had been crying. Actually when Fourth took a closer look he could see how tired Ford looked. It made him feel bad, it drowned him in a pool of guilt.

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