Is this really the end?

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Gemini and Fourth decided to spend the rest of their lives in Malibu with their favourite uncles. Their friends also decided to move with them, Mark and Ford were expected, but Joong and Dunk decided to also move to the USA since everyone was moving there.

Mark, Joong, and Gemini opened up a few exclusive clubs, which, of course, Joong was the face of. Mark and Gemini decided to keep things lowkey. They didn't know how far the Theerapanyakul and Kittisawasd clans expended. They might have connections in the USA for all they know, so Gemini didn't want to risk it.

Fourth has mostly focused on photography as a career. He has had 3 exhibitions over the years under the alias name Jirochitkul. He was pretty successful, and the fact that he wasn't showing his face kind of added to the mystery, and one of his pieces sold for half a million dollars.

He still did some fighting, no underground stuff, though. Just sparring with Gemini once in a while, which always resulted in Gemini pinning him down, only because he let him, though. He enjoyed having Gemini's full weight on top of him, holding him down, grounding him.

Dunk was working as a private investigator, busting cheating rich men or women he didn't discriminate, Ford was doing paperwork and organising clients for him. Dunk worked with Kimhan on the side, but Fourth didn't know what that was about and frankly didn't want to know.

Life was good in Malibu, for the first time in a long time. Fourth didn't have worries of being kidnapped or getting killed for merely existing. He didn't have to worry about someone targeting his husband for merely having the last name, Theerapanyakul. They were free from the Mafia world, although it meant never seeing their parents again. It was fine, painful sometimes, but it was fine. For the sake of their happiness, some sacrifices had to be made.

Oh! Another thing... it turns out Phayu is one hell of an investigator because after a few years, he managed to track them down, and thus Fourth was reunited with  his brothers. Prapai had been pissed off at first.

"How could you do this Fourth? You were supposed to come to me. Not disappear on me. That's not what brothers do!!" Prapai had yelled, making Fourth feel extremely guilty. Fourth hadn't thought about what his disappearance would do to his brothers.

He only got the idea of how bad it could have been after he reunited with Ford, and by then, it was too late to reverse everything, not that he wanted to reverse anything in the first place.

"I am sorry, Hia." That was all Fourth could say, head bowed in shame. He really didn't mean to hurt his brothers, especially Prapai, who had been a parental figure for most of his life.

"That was so selfish of you, Fourth! We weren't mad with worry!" Mangkorn had yelled which kind of pissed off Fourth because Fourth felt like Mangkorn had no place to talk. Not after the disappearing stunt he pulled when he was in his late teens. Mangkorn had disappeared for 6 months touring Europe, Prapai had just taken over as head of the Kittisawasd clan and thought Mangkorn was kidnapped.

Granted that Mangkorn did eventually update them on their whereabouts, even if it was through Instagram. Whereas Fourth disappeared in the middle of the night and cut off contact. But still, Mangkorn was the last person to lecture him about being selfish.  Prapai he can accept scolding from Prapai deserved to scold him, to call him selfish and even yell at him but not Mangkorn.

Mangkorn was absent from his life for most of his teenage life. So Fourth felt like as much as he loved his brother, the guy didn't have the right to judge him.

Prapai was subdued when he heard that Kimhan, his uncle, was the one that helped Fourth. He was also pleasantly surprised to find out that his other uncle, Porschay, was not only still alive but also married to his other uncle.

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