It's okay to not be Okay

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Gemini has been super protective of Fourth lately especially since he didn't know where Tony and Prom where. He did inquire with his fathers and Prapai but they just told him not to worry about it.

That pissed off Gemini. They were grooming them to become Thailand's biggest Mafia leaders but they were still withholding stuff from them.

Fourth was staying with Gemini in his penthouse since Mangkorn went back to France and Prapai disappeared only leaving a message with Ford that he will be back soon.

Coincidentally Vegas and Pete also disappeared not disclosing their whereabouts.

Fourth knew that all of this had  something to do with Tony and Prom. He wasn't stupid, he could see it all. As much as he wanted to follow up on what happened to those two, he wasn't in the right state of mind to do anything about it.

He was exhausted. Spiritually. Physically. Mentally. His entire being was exhausted. So when Gemini suggested he come stay with him at his penthouse he enthusiastically agreed.

The penthouse wasn't as big as the mansion so the smaller space made him feel safer and more in control of his surroundings. He also had Gemini with him almost 24/7 which was like a treat to him, not that he would admit that out loud for anyone to hear, let alone Gemini.

Gemini was so soft with him, he treated him like glass that might break at any time. He would always hold him tightly when they went to sleep, he showered him with kisses and they were just intimately more closer than they have ever been.

Unfortunately Gemini couldn't be with him all the time and today was one of those times. Gemini received an urgent phone call from the office for an emergency meeting, something was wrong with the shipment they had been waiting for.

With both of his fathers missing in action it was up to him to ensure that the matter is fixed. With much reluctance and after reassuring Fourth a 100times that he will be back soon he went to the office.

After almost 3 hours in the office, phone calls, threatening to fire people and some yelling Gemini managed to fix the problem and was about to head back to his penthouse when he met up with Mark.

"Hey Gem, I hear you managed to deal with the shipment problem." Mark said and Gemini nodded, as much as he loved his friend he was in no mood for small talk. He just wanted to return to his baby, to his Fourth.

"So when are you returning to the office?" Mark asked as he took a sit infront of Gemini's desk as he watched his bestfriend put his stuff away. 

"Why do I need to return when you are here Pakin? You guys don't need me here. I work perfectly fine at home." Gemini responded. What he said was true, although he spent most of his time doting on Fourth's every need. He would get work done when Fourth was napping.

Before he could head out Ford walked in his office "There you are baby... oh HI Gem." Ford said. "What are you doing here?" Gemini asked looking a bit confused.

"To see my boyfriend." Ford answered chuckling. "But you were supposed to be with Fourth." Gemini said now glaring at Mark. After Gemini left in a hurry to the office he called Mark telling him to let Ford know to go be with Fourth while he solved the problem at work.

"What do you mean? Fourth is staying with you isn't he?" Ford answered anxiously. This better not be a repeat of Fourth going missing again.

"Fuck Pakin! You didn't tell him." Gemini hissed. "Calm down, I genuinely forgot. Yet Steven is there and he is one of the best bodyguards ever so Fourth will be fine." Mark replied.

"Ford your boyfriend is an idiot." Gemini said looking at Ford, Ford nodded and slapped Mark on the back of his head.  How can he forget such an important thing.

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