blast from the past

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Fourth decided to go visit Gemini at his company since well he doesn't have any work to do. Ford and Mark were on a couple's getaway for the first time in a long time. Ford had ensured that all business deals were settled before he left, and whatever important meetings were scheduled when he came back.

He didn't want Fourth visiting the company or meeting with anyone without him. Fourth figured it had something to do with his bestfriend being a micro-manager, he didn't mind because Fourth's life has been managed for him since birth.

"Why are you calling me on your vacation?" Fourth asked Ford, who happened to have called him 4 times already since he left.

It hadn't even been 2 days since Ford had left for Europe.

"I need to check up on you." Ford replied and Fourth rolled his eyes even though the latter couldn't see him.

"For the 100th time I am fine Ford! I am actually on my way to see Gemini." Fourth replied.

"Are you driving yourself there?" Ford asked making the younger sigh. Ford had practically forbid him to do anything while he was away.

That included driving himself anywhere, especially without any security.

Fourth had agreed to comply or otherwise Ford would have not taken the vacation. Ford had generalized anxiety disorder so things had to go his way. Fourth understood this about Ford, that's why he was in charge of literally everything in his company.

"I was planning to." Fourth replied.

"I don't think that's a good idea, ask the head body guard to drive you there." Ford said and Fourth rolled his eyes, Ford was allowing his anxiety to get the better of him.

"Don't roll your eyes. Fot don't forget who you are, you are the target of many. You can't just leisurely walk around without protection." Ford said knowing the younger's reaction.

"Okay fine. You sound just like Gem." Fourth replied.

"Please don't be stubborn about this. I am thousands of miles away from you, I can't do much if you were to get kidnapped." Ford said sounding very serious.

"I am not going to get kidnapped, you are overthinking things." Fourth replied.

"Fourth you are a Theerapanyakul now, that means you have enemies all around the world. So please don't be stubborn." Ford said.

"I promise... don't be so serious. You are on vacation, enjoy it to the fullest and don't worry about me." Fourth replied.

"Okay I gotta go now. I love you, and Fourth please take care of yourself. Call me if anything happens." Ford said, his voice laced with concern. 

"I will I promise... I love you too." Fourth replied before hanging up the phone.

While reconsidering asking Mike, his headbody guard to accompany him to Gemini's company he got a text from Dunk.

"Don't be an ass and ask Mike to take you to the company. Remember I am tracking you."

Fourth rolled his eyes in annoyance when when he read the text. Ford must have told Dunk about their conversation.  His friends are still bossing him around even when they are all the way across the world from him.

Dunk and Joong went to Europe as well shortly after their engagement. Dunk called it a pre-wedding honeymoon, whatever that means.

"Fine whatever." Fourth texted back deciding to go against rebelling against Ford. Dunk was probably tracking him, he was certain Dunk probably had a microchip inserted in him.

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