The unexpected embrace

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"Gemini don't." Fourth said softly with his lips still on Gemini's. "You are not in the right state of mind." He continued.

Gemini took a deep breath before he opened his eyes and let go of his grip on Fourth's hands. "I am sorry Fourth." He said apologetically as he turned his back towards Fourth.

Fourth exhaled the breathe he held in for what feels like eons. "I will take my leave." Fourth said walking towards the elevator.

"Don't please. It's late and my fathers will kill me if they knew I let you leave alone in the middle of the night." Gemini said busying himself to avoid eye contact with Fourth.

"It's fine I can just call my driver to pick me up." Fourth argued. "Please I insist." Gemini said glancing at Fourth then away quickly.

"Mmh okay if you insist then." Fourth said with a faint smile on his face. He felt awkward, he didn't know what to say or make out of what just happened a few minutes ago.

"You can take the room on your right, it has a bathroom built in it and you can find fresh towels in the closet there. I will borrow you something comfortable to wear." Gemini said and Fourth nodded.

After borrowing Fourth some of his joggers and shirt Gemini proceeded to his bedroom with the whole bottle of whisky. He drank the whole thing while cursing himself until he blacked out.

Gemini was woken up by the turning of his stomach as if his body wanted to expel the poisonous content he had ingested the night prior. He quickly ran to the bathroom and emptied his stomach's contents. It left a bitter taste of bile and regret.

"Fuck I am never drinking alcohol again" He mumbled to himself before rinsing his mouth by the faucet. He washed his face with cold water hoping the cooling sensation will wake him up.

He walked into the the kitchen hoping to get a strong cup of coffee to help ease his hangover. "Fourth!" He said softly and unsure if of the sight before him.

"Hi. I made breakfast, and coffee." Fourth said with a smile. He looked so beautiful, flawless and radiant. "What are you still doing here?" Gemini asked walking to the kitchen counter to get his hands on a piping cup of coffee.

"I am waiting for Prom to pick me up." Fourth said handing Gemini the cup of coffee smiling fondly at him. "You look like uncle Kinn when you smile." Gemini said and regretted his decision when he saw Fourth's change in demeanor.

"I am sorry... I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Gemini said apologetically. Fourth smiled but you could see the glistening in his eyes. "It's okay I made omelets for breakfast, would you like me to dish up for you?" Fourth asked with his voice cracking.

Gemini bit his tongue regretting what he had said. "Fourth..." He said softly trying to catch the gaze of his fiancé who was now busying himself. "Look I didn't mean to... it's just I saw your father's picture at my dad's office and I just thought you resembled him." He said trying to clarify his intentions.

"It's okay Gemini. Come let's eat." Fourth answered in a shaky voice. He had a lump in his throat he blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall before giving Gemini a smile.

Fourth didn't like the way Gemini spoke to him, his voice was filled with pity. He didn't want to be pitied by anyone let alone Gemini.

Gemini approached the kitchen counter slowly trying to catch Fourth's gaze who was clearly avoiding him. "Thanks." Gemini said slowly. "Don't mention it." Fourth said with a smile trying to sound unaffected but his voice betrayed him.

He felt like crying but he wouldn't dare, not infront of this man. This man who only cared about no one but himself. This man who he was given to by his beloved brother.

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