The truth revealed

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Papa say something!" Gemini yelled. He didn't have any patience for any of this, not when Fourth was still technically missing.

"Pete!" Vegas called out to his husband when Pete was still keeping silent.

"They weren't supposed to come back. We had a deal." Pete replied chugging his second glass of whiskey.

"What are you saying?" Gemini asked

"Are you telling me they are alive? Are you fucking telling me that Kinn is alive and you kept this from me?" Vegas asked, he was heated. Out of all things Pete could keep from him, this should've never been one of them.

"I had to! And you know why." Pete replied looking at Vegas with fiery eyes.

"What does that mean?" Gemini asked looking at the change of facial expression in Pete. Never had he ever seen his father like that.

"Pete?" Vegas approached Pete and Pete backed off.

"Gemini honey can you please excuse us for a second. I need to talk to your father alone." Pete said avoiding Vegas' touch.

"What? Are you kidding me right now? You just said Fourth's dad might still be alive while Fourth is missing. You can't ex-"

"Norawit Theerapanyakul! Please leave us for now. I will explain everything to you." Pete said firmly cutting Gemini off.

"But Papa I-"

"Norawit leave now!" Vegas said firmly cutting Gemini off again as he tried to argue with Pete.

"I promise to explain everything to you honey okay. Just give us 5 minutes alone." Pete said with a softer tone and Gemini nodded.

After Gemini left the room Vegas grabbed Pete's wrist.

"Tell me everything now." Vegas said in a rather harsh tone.

"Why should I?" Pete retorted.

"Because I am your husband dammit!" Vegas said tightening his grip on Pete's wrist.

"Vegas you are hurting me." Pete said pulling his hand away from Vegas.

"Pete talk now!" Vegas said his tone harsher, and eyes threatening.

"Yes Kinn is alive... and so is Porsche. I helped them okay!" Pete yelled finally freeing himself from Vegas.

"Porsche is alive?" Vegas asked softly, his expression unreadable.

"Yes your precious Porsche is alive. You honestly thought I didn't know about your obsession with him?" Pete said chuckling bitterly.

"Pete..." Vegas said softly, his demeanor changed.

"You were so fucking obsessed with him that you were willing to kill your fucking bestfriend for him!" Pete said with his voice raised.

"That's not how it was Pete. That's not what happened." Vegas said.

"How did it happen then? Are you going to lie to me now Vegas? I know you two were a thing. I know everything! Porsche was my bestfriend." Pete yelled, his eyes were now teary. It had been a long time since Vegas had seen Pete cry, let alone show emotions.

"Porsche and I were together way before you and I got together. You have to believe me baby." Vegas said approaching Pete, but Pete moved away from him.

"But you never got over him have you? You continued obsessing over him, even after he got with your bestfriend." Pete said chuckling bitterly. Vegas kept quiet seeing the sadness evident on Pete's face.

"You subconsciously kept comparing me to Porsche, tried to mold me into him. Everything I did was never enough for you. And because I love you I changed myself, I stripped myself off my identity and became Porsche's replacement. For you! Because I love you! Because I would do anything for you!" Pete said crying and pointing his finger firmly on Vegas' chest.

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