Loving you could make Jesus cry

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Pete has always known that Vegas loved... loves Porsche, but hearing it doesn't make it digestible. He had accepted that fact about his husband but hearing his husband and bestfriend- former ex-bestfriend proclaim their love for each other and even call each other so familiarly with their birth names is another level of hurt he cannot comprehend or even process.

The most baffling part is that Kinn didn't even bat an eye lid hearing Porsche tell Vegas that he would always love him, not even when they were hugging. Wasn't Kinn one of those possessive alpha guys? He always seemed like the type. Or maybe he has also accepted the fact that Porsche's heart will always belong to Vegas? Pete couldn't understand what was happening.

"Anakinn, don't you care that your husband is still in love with my husband?" Pete asked, outraged. Was he the only one who saw this whole situation as strange? Was he the only one upset by this shamelessness displayed?

"Pete... or should I say Phongsakorn since we are using our birthnames? Porsche is not in love with your husband." Kinn calmly replied, face stoic but with amusement twinkling in his eyes.

"Are you deaf or blind? Perhaps both? We just saw them declare their love to each other. They were literally clinging to each other. And your husband started it." Pete said, still outraged. He felt like he was going to lose his mind.

Or perhaps he already has. Maybe he is in some psychotic state and literally lost all his marbles.

"Pete... I have acknowledged the fact that Porsche will always love Vegas. The guy was his first love after all. However, Porsche is not in love with Vegas. He is in love with me, I am very secure in my position in my husband's life... however, I clearly can't say the same about you." Kinn calmly replied and took a sip of his whiskey.

Great Kinn was taunting him. He was making fun of him. Pete clenched his fist tightly that his knuckles turned white, his nails digging in the palm of his hands, almost drawing blood

"Is that how you cope? By lying to yourself?" Pete said, brows knitted together in rage.

"If anyone is and has been lying to themselves is you, Pete. You know I actually feel sorry for you, being in love with someone who can not possibly love you back the same way you love them." Kinn replied with an amused smile.

"Aren't we in the same boat?" Pete sneered.

"Are we?" Kinn asked with that stupidly beautiful smile of his, eyebrow arched as if taunting him further.

"Clearly!" Pete replied, folding his arms closely to his chest, a clear defensive move. This action made Kinn chuckle delightfully as if he knew something Pete didn't. 

Pete didn't like this one bit.

"Pete, my husband is in love with me, deeply and passionately in love with me. I can say this confidently because it is true. He loves Vegas, but not in the romantic sense. Had you not let your jealousy cloud your judgement you could've been able to tell." Kinn replied calmly, the stupidly beautiful smile on his stupidly perfect face still on full display.

Pete also didn't like this.

"Kinn..." That was all Pete could say. His eyes stinging with unshed tears.

What Kinn was saying without actually saying it was Vegas was still in love with Porsche, but Porsche was in love with Kinn.

"Pete... Vegas loves you. It may be different from how he loves Porsche, but that's because you are you." Kinn said calmly but seriously. No amused, mocking smile on his face.

"I am me? You mean I am not good as your precious husband?" Pete asked. He meant it to come off as uncaring, perhaps mocking, but his voice betrayed him. Instead, he came off as pathetic and vulnerable.

Pete hated this. Being vulnerable like this in enemy territory.

"No one can be as good as Porsche, unfortunately, but that's because I am biased. However, what I meant was you are your own way of amazing Pete." Kinn replied, and Pete scoffed.

"I am serious, Pete... you literally kept both clans running for years. You are smart, resourceful, calculating, and manipulative, which is really scary, and you are beautiful." Kinn said seriously.  Pete could see how sincere Kinn was looking at him.

"If I am all of that, why can't Vegas forget about Porsche and focus on me?" Pete asked softly, blinking away tears.

"How can one forget their first love, Pete? Vegas loved... loves you. Weren't you his main focus all those years we were away? He gave you full control of everything and treated you as his equal. Doesn't say anything to you? About his love for you?" Kinn asked.

"Why can't he love me the way he loves Porsche?" Pete asked, voice small and raw with emotion.

"Like I said, Pete. You are you, so his love is just for you. So how can he love you the same way he loves Porsche when you and Porsche are two different people?" Kinn said.

"I... I-"

"Pete... I think you should talk to that husband of yours. I am not a marriage counsellor, and the last thing I wanna do is get involved in your marriage." Kinn said, cutting Pete off and offering him a glass of whiskey.

When Pete and Vegas got home that night, Pete contemplated what Kinn said to him. He needed to have a conversation with Vegas, as much as Pete didn't want to admit it. Kinn was right.

"Vegas... we need to talk." Pete started.

"Pete, please. Not tonight, I don't want to have a fight with you." Vegas replied.

"I am not picking a fight, Vegas. I swear... I just want to talk." Pete said softly.

He hated how small and pathetic he felt.

"Okay." Vegas said just as softly and took a seat on the couch.

"Do you love me?" Pete asked, his voice cracking a bit. Somehow, he was scared to find out the answer.

"I thought you were not picking a fight." Vegas asked.

" I am not. I overheard your conversation with Porsche and I," Pete said, trailing off.

"Of course I love you Pete how do you not know that I love you how can you not tell that I love you after all these years we've been together have I not showing you how much I love you do you have that little faith in me that you can't tell how much I love you"  Vegas firmly replied, he didn't seem angry though, just disappointed.

"But you don't love me as much as you love Porsche, right?" Pete asked, his heart beating vigorously in his chest.

"Pete..." Vegas said with a heavy sigh.

"I am not picking a fight. I just want to know. I need to know... please, Vegas." Pete was on the verge of tears, his ears ringing.

"No... because you are not Porsche. You are Pete, and you are the most incredible person I know. You are the father of my child, Pete. I am sorry for the way I made you feel all these years. Yes, I love Porsche, I will always love him, but Pete... you! I am in love with you, every aspect of you. You never tried to change me. Accepted me for who I am, and for that, I am sorry for taking you for granted, baby." Vegas said, and all the tears that Pete tried to hold back fell free from his face.

"Oooh baby." Vegas spoke as he stood up and held Pete in a tight embrace.

"I am sorry... I am truly sorry." Vegas said, rubbing soothing circles on Pete's back.

Pete didn't ask any more questions. He let himself be embraced by his husband. He let himself be vulnerable and cry. Vegas did love him. He might not be Vegas' great love, but he was his love, and for now, he was okay with it.

What he needed to do was to get Porsche to convince Kimhan to bring their baby home so they could be a family again. Just the way it was supposed to be.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Rak na jub jub 🤟🌻🌞

This was Pete's perspective and was pretty hard to write. Hence, the chapter is short.

Do you think they should reunite with their parents or just live their happily ever after with their friends and uncles in Malibu?

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