stubborn with my love

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"So how did it go? Can I see Fourth now?" Gemini bombarded Pete with questions as soon as he saw that he was back from seeing Porsche.

"I think it went well, Porsche and I reached an understanding but you need to be patient for now." Pete replied and chugged a glass of whiskey. Although the coversation with Porsche went well he couldn't say for certain how things will go.

"What is that supposed to mean father?" Gemini asked, he was feeling understandably agitated.

"All I am saying is that we need to give them time to process everything. We still don't know if Fourth would want to see you after he finds out the truth." Pete replied and poured himself another glass of whiskey.

"Why wouldn't Fourth want to see me? I had nothing to do with this, I am not the one who tried to kill MY bestfriend." Gemini said, he couldn't understand why Fourth would avoid him because of this. It didn't make any sense to him.

"I understand how difficult this must be for you honey but-"

"Don't... you have absolutely have no idea how I feel right now. I have been forcefully separated from the love of my life. How would you know how I feel? It feels like a piece of me is missing, it's like I am missing a limb. So how can you possibly understand that?" Gemini yelled out in frustration.

"Honey please. Just try to understand that-"

"Papa please! I don't want to understand anything. You gave me your word when you left here that you will fix things and this isn't fixing things. I want my husband, I want my Fourth now." Gemini said, more like demanded cutting Pete off.

"Gemini it's not that easy. Please just try to understand things." Pete replied trying to calm Gemini down, one thing Pete knew was how stubborn and hot-headed Gemini can be. The last thing he wanted was him storming off to the Kittisawasd residence, lord knows how Kinn would retaliate just to hurt Vegas.

"You know what I should have dealt this with myself, I don't know what I was thinking trusting you when all you have done is lie to me. I am going to fund Fourth myself." Gemini said.

"Gemini you will do no such thing." Pete replied.

"Oh yeah? Well watch me." Gemini said with eyes filled with determination, eyes Pete feared seeing because he knew that nothing he did or say will stop Gemini.

The boy was as stubborn as a mule.

Pete could only watch as Gemini storm off the living room. He just called up his men to follow Gemini, he knew he couldn't stop him even if he wanted to. In this case he didn't want to stop him, maybe he could get through Porsche and Kinn.

He sent his men just incase if things went south.

Gemini called up his friends and they all went to where Fourth was. Dunk and Ford were happy to find out that at least Ford was not taken by a raging psychopath. They decided to go just them without any if their men, after all they weren't going to war. Gemini wanted to show the Kittisawasd family that he meant no harm, all he wants is to see Fourth.

Fourth was like his oxygen, and there more he was away from him it was suffocating.

Just as they had arrived at the Kittisawasd residence Gemini received a call from the one person he wanted to talk to, the light of his life. Fourth.

"Hello Gem." Fourth said as soon as Gemini answered the phone.

"Baby. Finally I have been trying to get ahold of you, I have been worried sick." Gemini said and he could hear Fourth's giggles, oh how he missed that sound.

"I am sorry for worrying you baby. Who would've thought that one day my parents would wake up from the dead and kidnap me." Fourth said through his giggles.

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