commemoration 🔞

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Fourth stood on the balcony, the cool breeze blowing through his lucious black hair. He heaved a heavy  as the night air rushed past and kissed his soft milky skin.

He surprisingly enjoyed the expensive, fancy wedding despite the fact that he wanted a simple, bohemian style wedding. Fourth never thought he would be here, never thought he would experience this, but here he was now, on this balcony of this expensive hotel, which now technically belonged to him.

Fourth wondered where Gemini was. Probably still with his friends or his father, perhaps his business partners and acquaintance. His husband was a very busy man after all.

"Husband," he thought, he turned the word around in his head a few times. "My husband," he thought again, tasting it in his mind, savoring the warm and intense feeling that bubbled up within him. "Gemini is my husband," Fourth whispered just faintly, only loud enough he thought, that him alone could hear it. The word rolled off his tongue and he sighed.

"My little husband" Gemini responded, his voice deep and warm, like honey slowly dripping off its comb.

A smile crept up the side of Fourth's cheek as Gemini's hand found its way to his waist, Gemini's grip was strong yet gentle. Fourth turned to face him and buried his face into Gemini's broad chest. He smelled sweet and delicious, he smelled comforting, yet expensive.

"Where have you been?" Fourth asked looking up at Gemini, brown eyes filled with emotion of need and lust.

"I was with dad, business talk. You know how it is." Gemini replied looking down at Fourth with loving eyes, eyes Fourth could get lost in, and has many times before in the past. Gemini's gaze was  comforting, unjudging, caring, full of love, need and want. They stayed like that for a long while, eyes locked, with Gemini's hands on his waist.

Gemini cupped Fourth's cheek and pulled him closer, his warm breath on Fourth's red tinted cherry lips. They kissed, soft and gentle at first, Gemini's tongue explored his mouth, tasting him.

Gemini pulled Fourth even closer, his kiss becoming more aggressive, more needy. Fourth moaned as his breath and heart rate began to climb. Fourth could feel Gemini's need, he could taste Gemini's lust. Fourth knew exactly what Gemini wanted.

Fourth could feel Gemini's manhood pressed against him, hard and throbbing. It had been days since they had last been intimate, partly because of the hectiness of the wedding, and the influx of family, and friends.

Gosh he wanted Gemini so bad it hurt, and he knew Gemini felt the same.

When the kiss finally broke, Fourth stared up at his husband, eyes full of need and desire. Gemini laughed, knowing exactly what Fourth wanted, little did the younger know what Gemini had in store for him. As Fourth opened his mouth to speak, Gemini put his finger delicately on his lips

"Shh, hubby," Gemini cooed. "Close your eyes." He instructed

Fourth gave him a funny look at first and then obliged. He stood there, eyes closed, waiting. He heard Gemini's footsteps as he walked away, he heard Gemini shuffle through a bag. A bag he was earlier instructed not to open. Gemini told him it was a surprise, what surprise he didn't have a clue.

Fourth heard Gemini come back and stop infront of him.

"Keep your eyes closed, no peeping." Gemini said as he stood there silently for a moment before he placed a blind fold over Fourth's eyes.

Fourth smiled, he liked these little games. Gemini moved his lips to Fourth's ear and nipped his earlobe playfully, Gemini's warm breath gave him chills. Gemini twisted around Fourth to the side and then behind, his tongue trailing his skin from ear to neck. Fourth moaned in delight before he felt it, Gemini grabbed Fourth's wrists forcefully, pulling them behind his back.

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