Chapter X - Deception Is The Dark Alley Where Ignorance And Education Collide

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The time is now upon us, we will be starting the Majority Nomination Special Exam, or so what they call it, anyways. When we arrived at the door, there was another adult there. They were most likely another proctor to help oversee this exam to ensure we aren't cheating.

In any event, we all took our seats and one after another, each seat began to fill up but something was different about today. Usually, the classroom would be filled with loud chatter but that wasn't the case anymore, no, everyone was quiet. Chabashira-sensei, sensing the environment around her, spoke up.

"We will now begin the special exam. At this point in time, no students will be allowed to leave this classroom unless authorized to so," said Chabashira-sensei, "Before we begin, I would like everyone to open up their phones. If you somehow forget it, then please raise your hand and go retrieve it immediately."

Before she continued, she looked around the room and noticed that everyone came prepared with their phones on them. I'm sure everyone would've had it even if this exam wasn't taking place.

"It appears everyone already has their phones already on them. Anyways, we will begin once I'm notified all classes are ready," Chabashira-sensei stated.

Though it was only for a few minutes, a message on the intercom played which motioned the start of the special exam and not too long after, a message appear on my phone from the app we were asked to utilize for this exam. When I opened the app though, I was locked out from leaving or opening any other apps. That was one of the many countermeasures in place.


Pick two students. One most likely to make a positive impact in this world. The other, most likely to become a professional athlete.

Rewards: 2000 private points for both students.

It started off rather simple, the prize was small but it was an easy win for the two people who are applicable for each nomination. But there's a problem, it'll be easy to manipulate the outcome, there was nothing in the rules that mentioned that you don't have the pick the student who match the nominations. For instance, you can pick a student that has zero athletic ability and have a chance, albeit small, win the prize for most likely to become a professional athlete.

Any case, should each prompt be like these from now on, the matter is popularity. Everyone wants a chance of gaining a prize but the more well known you are, the more of a chance you'll have for penalties or rewards. I'll have more time to think about it but for now, our ten minute discussion has begun.

"Wow, that's surprisingly easy," one student pointed out.

"You would think that these are hard.."

No serious conversations were taking place over who they should decide so I presume everyone will pick to their heart's content. I for one, will also do as I please for this one.

Once the ten minute discussion ended, the voting button opened up and I was allowed to select from over 160 students. They were all arranged alphabetically but of course I wasn't going to look through them all, instead I used the search function to find the two names I was looking for.

The first student I picked for positive impact is Ichinose Honami and most likely athlete is Sudou Ken. I would have picked Kouenji for it but as it stands, he isn't in any club nor is he participating in anything to my knowledge. Furthermore, I might end up picking people from our class since I have no real idea of other students for other classes but it is safe to assume I wont be a target for anything.


Most likely to make a positive impact - Ichinose Honami, 84 nominations

Most likely to be a professional athlete - Hirata Yousuke, 57 nominations

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