Chapter XI - Where There Is No Vision, There Is No Hope

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To truly understand how things ended up this way, we need to go back to two days before the special exam took place. After I parted ways with both Hirata and Ichinose, I looked back at my phone. It was from there I read that anonymous text I was given not too long after the special exam was announced. All the message contained was simple instructions, "Go to the Multipurpose Room", it said.

Whoever sent it is trying to come in contact with me. I had no other worldly idea of who it possibly could've been nor did I care to but to brush it off, that would most likely endanger my school life here so out of reluctance, I followed the message and made my way to the MPR.

As soon as I arrived there, however, the seats were empty, no one in sight. The room itself, was dimly lit. It wasn't in use or anything so it was understandable. 

Paying no mind to anything else, what really caught my attention was the grand piano that stood at the end of the atrium. The person that must've sent that message is probably gone by now and I had no intention of sticking around but the offer of a piano that was left unattended was almost too attractive for me to pass up so I walked up towards it and sat down.

As I press down on the first note, a wave of sound resonates through the air, filling the room with its ethereal beauty. With each passing moment, the music reaches its climax. My fingers move with a renewed vigor, breathing life into every note. As the final notes reverberate through the room, a hush falls upon the air. I sit still for a moment, basking in the lingering magic of the music.

Soon after concluding, a shadow emerged from the dark.

"My, that was quite the performance," said the unknown person.

When I finally got a good look of them, there stood a rather petite girl with lilac colored hair. She was wearing a beret of sorts that followed along with her cane.

"Are you the one who sent me that message?" I asked.

"That's correct, I've been looking forward to meeting with you, Ayanokouji-kun."

"You're joking, right? I don't even know you."

They appeared to know who I am, but I don't ever recall meeting with this person in my life.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. But I know who you are."

She didn't continue her sentence but walked up towards me. She kept walking until she reached the edge of the platform which held both me and the piano. It was not until she looked up towards me, she spoke again.

"The ultimate masterpiece of the White Room. However as far as I'm concerned, you're nothing but a false genius," she began, "Perhaps, I should bury you."

When she uttered two certain words, I got up from my seat and walked towards her and looked them straight in the eyes.

"Bury me? Well then, you're most welcome to try."

"fu fu You say very interesting things, Ayanokouji-kun," she mused.

I don't have the slightest clue of whoever this person may be. Whether they be an agent sent by the White Room or some other adversary, they aren't a welcome acquaintance.

"I suppose there's no point in dragging this out any longer," said the girl.

"In that case, would you care to introduce yourself?"

"Of course, It's a pleasure to meet you again, Ayanokouji-kun. I am Sakayanagi Arisu," she said, lightly bowing.

"Again? I don't know who you are."

"It's not surprising. It's only been nine years, give or take. To see you again after such a long time just warms my heart."


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